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Middle/Wildcat Field Enhancement Update

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1 Middle/Wildcat Field Enhancement Update
June 12, 2014

2 Field Enhancement: A Long-Standing Priority
Decade-long need identified to address the shortage of field space Need has increased as more residents participate in field sports Lack of multi-purpose fields or rectangular fields in the municipality Mt. Lebanon is almost entirely built-out, resulting in few options to create new fields Need for additional field space recognized by: Current and prior Commissions 2013 Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) - turf field included in CIP Approximately 3,600 total registrations in field-based youth sports programs in 2013 (as reported by the various sports associations and the Recreation Department) Lack of multi-purpose fields in municipality – Except for Bird (Municipal), Jefferson (SD) and High School turf (SD), all of our community fields are designed for baseball/softball Mt. Lebanon residents have been leasing field space outside of the municipality High school teams begin practice at 5:45 AM and end at 10:00 PM on HS turf No available space for adult leagues or expansion of existing programs to younger age groups

3 Need for Field Enhancements
Poor conditions at municipal fields due to over use Existing levels of use make it extremely difficult and expensive to maintain quality grass fields; little time for fields to rest Middle field - October, 2013

4 Alternative Projects Field enhancement alternatives considered (initial project costs listed): McNeilly (2011) - $4 million (3 fields) Robb Hollow (2012) - $1.3 million (Upper field - $1.1 million field and parking, $200k for relocation of leaf operations Brafferton (2013) - $845,000 (field improvements and parking) Challenges to prior proposals: Required substantial investment in infrastructure – access roads, restrooms and parking Added operating expense for maintenance and safety Site constraints and/or related impact of projects Lacked support and commitment by all parties

5 Middle/Wildcat Field Enhancement Project Approval
Commission approved a resolution on November 25, 2013 supporting the artificial turf project: Included a $750,000 municipal contribution to the $1 million project Approved $637,400 ($112,600 remaining to be funded) Preference to use turf with organic infill Established a task force to address project details

6 Long-term Cost Sharing: 16 years Municipal Share 69%
Municipal cost Non-municipal cost Total Cost (rounded) Comments Initial project cost $750,000 $250,000 $1,000,000 Non-municipal share – must be in hand prior to awarding the contract Turf replacement (at 8 years) $350,000 $600,000 Non-municipal share - annual field use fee; plus sign sales Total Capital Cost 1,100,000 500,000 1,600,000 69% Municipal share Maintenance savings (16 yrs.) ($108,300) Field maintenance expense: Current $21,169, turf cost $14,400 reducing cost by $6,769 annually; resources can be reallocated Net Cost $991,700

7 Non-municipal sources: Initial Project Cost 98% Committed
Cash Pledged Total Sports Associations $125,000 Donations to Endowment $92,879 Corporate and Other Organizations $9,000 $18,250 $27,250 $101,879 $143,250 $245,129 98% of $250,000 committed

8 Non-municipal Revenue: Year-8 Field Replacement Sensitivity Analysis
Pessimistic Target Maximum Comments Field fee revenue: 8-Year revenue projection $182,784 $221,952 $261,120 Max. based on preliminary 2015 slotting for sports associations at $15 per hour; Target 85% of max. and Pessimistic 70% of max. Sign revenue: 8-Year revenue projection $18,000 $30,000 $42,000 Max. assumes 7 sign sales at fields per year at $750 each; Target 5 signs/year and Pessimistic 3 signs/year Total $200,784 $251,952 $303,120 Analysis prepared by Mt. Lebanon’s Finance Director and Recreation Director

9 Turfing Middle/Wildcat Preferred Option
Best alternative to meet a long-standing need Municipality has 40 years experience with turf at the high school Increases field slots available by at least 60% Benefits many residents and has broad support by stakeholders Includes non-municipal contributions reducing the municipal share of capital costs to 69% over 16 years Reduces annual maintenance costs by $6,700 Uses unassigned funds for initial municipal share; no tax increase needed Leverages existing access, parking, restrooms, concessions and lights turf extend seasons, allows for dual practices and significantly reduces rainouts Sports Advisory Board All sports associations Directors of Recreation and Public Works High School Athletic Director High School Baseball Coach

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