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Gravity and Motion ISN p. 30 Copy all the pink words 

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Presentation on theme: "Gravity and Motion ISN p. 30 Copy all the pink words "— Presentation transcript:

1 Gravity and Motion ISN p. 30 Copy all the pink words 
Chapter 3 Section 3 Gravity and Motion ISN p. 30 Copy all the pink words 

2 Gravity So Newton discovered that an apple falls to ground Big whoop, right? Well he also discovered that the same force that pulls an apple to the ground also pulls the moon toward Earth, keeping it in orbit Gravity-force that attracts all objects towards each other

3 The Law of Universal Gravitation
The strength of the force of gravity between 2 objects depends on their mass and the distance between them

4 Mass & Weight Mass- the amount of matter in an object
Weight-the amount of gravitational pull on an object What is happening on this graph? Is there gravity on the moon? (before slide)

5 Inertia & Newton’s 1st Law
Inertia- The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion The greater the inertia, the more difficult it is to stop Newton’s 1st Law of Motion- An object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by another force (same goes for an object in motion) Before: If gravity from the sun is pulling on planets in our solar system then why don’t we crash into the sun?

6 Orbital Motion Newton concluded that inertia and gravity combine to keep Earth in orbit around the sun and the moon in orbit around the Earth. How would the moon move if Earth’s mass increased?


8 Accretion Scientists theorize that this is how the solar system formed
It is the gradual buildup of material

9 Gravity's Role in Formation
Gravity helped to form stars, planets, and solar systems and keep them together

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