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3rd Grade News Up Coming Dates to Remember: Your 3rd Grade Team! Math

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1 3rd Grade News Up Coming Dates to Remember: Your 3rd Grade Team! Math
Kyle R. Wilson Elementary School February 2017 Math Science Unit 5: 3D Geometry and Measurement: Life Cycles and Adaptations (2 weeks) Animal and plant life cycles Behavioral and physical adaptations Ecosystems (3 weeks): Aquatic and terrestrial food chains Characteristics of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems Interdependency Effects of humans on ecosystems Characteristics of plane and solid geometric figures Estimate and use U.S. Customary and metric units to measure liquid volume and weight/mass Tell time to the nearest minute, determine elapsed time, and identify equivalent periods of time Language Arts Up Coming Dates to Remember: Unit 4: What’s It All About? Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Sequencing Fact and Opinion Feb. 2nd – Field Trip to Riverside Theater Feb. 8th - Report Cards Go Home Feb. 14th – Valentine’s Day Feb. 20th – No School – President’s Day Feb. 21st – PTO Meeting 6:30pm Friendly Reminders: Please remember to check your child’s backpack each day for important papers and homework Please remember to dress appropriately for outside recess. If it is above 32 degrees we will go outside. Your 3rd Grade Team! Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education . -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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