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Graduation Guidelines 2013. Graduation Date & Time Friday, June 7, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Adrienne Arsht Center - Knight Concert Hall 9:00 AM- Graduates Arrival.

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Presentation on theme: "Graduation Guidelines 2013. Graduation Date & Time Friday, June 7, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Adrienne Arsht Center - Knight Concert Hall 9:00 AM- Graduates Arrival."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduation Guidelines 2013

2 Graduation Date & Time Friday, June 7, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Adrienne Arsht Center - Knight Concert Hall 9:00 AM- Graduates Arrival time 9:00 AM- Guests may be seated Every guest MUST have a ticket, including children (regardless of age). 9: 50 AM Doors Close. Guests must be seated 10:00 A.M. SHARP! (GRADUATION BEGINS) Friday, June 7, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Adrienne Arsht Center - Knight Concert Hall 9:00 AM- Graduates Arrival time 9:00 AM- Guests may be seated Every guest MUST have a ticket, including children (regardless of age). 9: 50 AM Doors Close. Guests must be seated 10:00 A.M. SHARP! (GRADUATION BEGINS)

3 Getting Ready for Graduation CAP & GOWN Try on your gown. – Make sure the length is correct. – Make sure the zipper works. Hang up your gown to smooth out wrinkles. DO NOT IRON GOWN. Take pictures wearing your cap and gown BEFORE graduation. Gowns will be returned immediately after graduation at the time of diploma pick up.

4 Graduation Dress Code Dress Code Young Men: Dress Pants (dark colored). Dress Shirt (light colored) with a collar. Tie (mandatory) Dress shoes (NO sneakers of any kind, flip flops, or sandals) Absolutely NO Jeans, shorts, or any other garment considered to be casual.

5 Graduation Dress Code Dress Code Young Ladies: Dress or Skirt & Blouse (light colored) Dress Pants and Blouse (light colored preferred) No midriffs. Dress shoes or dress sandals. No sneakers, flip flops, etc. (Wear comfortable shoes.) Absolutely NO Jeans, shorts, mini skirt or any other garment considered to be casual.

6 Getting Ready For Graduation DO NOT ALTER YOUR CAP AND/OR GOWN IN ANY WAY. – No messages, pictures or drawings on the cap/gown. DOING SO WILL RESULT IN YOUR REMOVAL FROM THE GRADUATION. GRADUATES MAY NOT WALK WITH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: – CAMERAS – CELL PHONES – IPODS/MP3 PLAYERS (ETC) – PURSES – ELECTRONIC DEVICES OF ANY KIND The ONLY items permitted are: – Official TERRA cords (Yours Only) – Official TERRA Medallion – Official TERRA academy stoles (Biomedical = Green, Environmental = Gold, Engineering = Orange) – Marching Card No other pins, medallions, cords, etc. will be permitted.

7 How Do I wear the Cap/Gown? – Caps are one size fit all (try it on). – Tassels on the RIGHT side. – Gowns should be wrinkle-free (steam, do not iron) – Gown length is mid-calf. – Ladies wear a collar (provided with the gown) – Light colored clothing underneath the gown. – Young men MUST wear ties. Getting Ready for Graduation

8 Graduates and Guests MUST adhere to the following: Please tell your guests! All graduates and their guests must conduct themselves in a dignified manner. No items that distract from the ceremony will be permitted (such as banners, noise makers, etc. ) Graduates and guests not in compliance will be removed from the premises, and the graduate will not receive his/her diploma in a timely manner. Conduct at Graduation

9 Arsht Center Map Make plans to meet your parents in the front by the stairs after the ceremony! Graduation will be held at the Knight Concert Hall. You may park in the surrounding public lots

10 Graduation Day ARRIVE: Graduates MUST arrive at 9:00 AM Location: Arsht Center – Knight Concert Hall Follow the signs for the Graduates Holding room at the RIGHT SIDE of the MAIN ENTRANCE. DONT FORGET your Marching Card (Fill out info on back for pictures ahead of time) Line up IN ALPHA ORDER, BY ACADEMY: A teacher will assist with the order. Parents/Guests may take their seats at 9:00 AM Doors will CLOSE at 9:50 AM Guests who arrive late will not be permitted to enter until after the processional.

11 Graduation Day Graduation will begin at exactly 10:00 AM Students will walk in the procession QUIETLY, ATTENTIVELY, and RESPECTFULLY. Teachers will direct you to your seats. Remain standing until you are asked to be seated. IMPORTANT... Look to the teacher escorts (wearing black) for guidance. Listen attentively to all of the speakers. No shout- outs. Behave appropriately. If, during the ceremony, you feel ill, tell the teacher in your row who will assist you.

12 Graduation Ceremony Order of Graduation Program: Processional March (walk to seats and remain standing) Pledge of Allegiance (males QUIETLY remove caps) National Anthem (males put caps back on AFTER the National Anthem) Speakers Roll Call (Do not call attention to yourself as you walk across the stage) Confirmation of Diplomas (turning of the tassel- right to left) Alma Mater Closing Remarks Recessional March You are expected to listen attentively and politely to speakers and behave in an appropriate manner AT ALL TIMES for the entire ceremony!

13 Graduation Day HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR DIPLOMA – Wait for Teacher Escort to guide you to the stage. – Hand your Name Card to the announcer. – Walk across the stage (in a dignified manner). – Shake the principals hand with your RIGHT hand. – Accept the diploma cover with your LEFT hand. – Respectfully shake the hands of the remaining dignitaries and administrators.

14 Mini Rehearsal

15 Graduation Pictures When do I have my picture taken? You will have 2 – 3 pictures taken. – Accepting your diploma shaking hands with the principal (a quick pose) – Picture with flags after you exit the stage. – Head shot as you return to your seat. Pictures are taken by Grad Images (Picture information is included in your packet. Complete the information on the back of your marching card) Graduation Ceremony

16 Conclusion of Ceremony Senior Class Officers will lead the turning of the tassel. RIGHT to LEFT. (wait for the count of 3) You will be pronounced GRADUATES by the principal. DO NOT THROW OR REMOVE YOUR CAPS. ABSOLUTELY NO DISTRACTIONS. Join in the singing of Alma Mater Closing Remarks Exit the venue begin with officers. DO NOT exit until directed by a faculty member. EXIT IN A DIGNIFIED MANNER!! Graduation Ceremony

17 DIPLOMA PICK UP Where do I pick up my diploma? – You will RETURN to the HOLDING AREA where diplomas are distributed. – First, remove and turn in your gown. – Once you receive your diploma meet your parents/guests at the front of the Arsht Center – The Knight Concert Hall. Let them know that ahead of time. What if my diploma isnt there? DIPLOMAS WILL BE PULLED FOR INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR Diplomas are pulled for the following: – Pending satisfactory completion of FCAT. – Pending satisfaction of financial obligations. – Improper conduct/behavior during the ceremony.

18 After the Ceremony Diploma Plaque Herff Jones will be selling diploma plaques outside of the venue after graduation. Graduation Pictures Pictures are taken by GradImages orGraduates/

19 How do I get tickets? Tickets are in your CAP & GOWN BAG How can I get extra tickets? Additional tickets are not available. You may ask other graduates who may not need all four tickets. (tickets are NOT to be sold) If anyone is found selling tickets, you will be suspended and you may not participate in the ceremony. Graduation Tickets

20 Cap & Gown When do I receive my cap and Gown? – If you are CLEARED by your counselor, on May 31 st in the Cafeteria. What if I didnt pay for my cap and gown at school? – If you are CLEARED by your counselor, you will receive a waiver and go to Herff Jones and pay $45.00. What should be in the cap and gown bag? – Gown, Cap, Tassel, (collar for ladies) – Graduation Medallion – Academy stole – Name (marching) Card – Graduation Instructions – Flyer to purchase diploma plaque – 4 graduation tickets

21 IMPORTANT! PLEASE REMEMBER... 1.Conduct yourself in a respectful and dignified manner AT ALL TIMES. 2.Do not alter your cap/gown. 3.Arrive on time. 4.Dont forget: Name card, medallion, and hood and cords (if applicable). 5.PLEASE Listen and Follow Directions!

22 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit our webpage Contact Karina Menendez: Herff Jones:


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