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Importance of Honeybees

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1 Ecological Factors Surrounding the Collapse of Honeybee Colonies in the United States

2 Importance of Honeybees
Honey bee is one of the chief pollinators within an ecosystem. Honey bees pollinate estimated worth of more than 15 billion dollars for the foods consumed in the U.S. 75% of global food production

3 Apis mellifera (

4 Global trends: honeybee declines
Aizen et al (2009) Current Biology


6 What are the causes of honeybee declines?
Combination of factors Including Colony Collapse Disorder Pesticides Parasites Nutrition deficit Agricultural intensification Global Warming Loss of genetic diversity

7 Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)
October 2006, U.S. beekeepers began reporting losses of 30-90% of their hives. Losses are expected during winter Absence of adult honeybees

8 Potential Causes of Colony Collapse Disorder
Pesticides contact with pesticides as they collect pollen from these sources and transport it back to the hive. neonicotinoids Affect memory Susceptible to viruses

9 Parasitism and Viral Infection
Varroa destructor Deformed Wing Virus

10 Malnutrition Mono-cropping is a process used by farmers who grow few products on a large scale. Domesticated honeybees are used as pollinators for these few products. Not enough diversity in their diet Supplemental feed

11 Agriculture Intensification and Climate Change
Bee farmers often move colony hives to different locations. Rapid seasonal changes affect relocated honey bee colonies and causes stress and confusion within the hive. Bees become immuno-compromised and susceptible to diseases when in this state.


13 What can be done? Large-scale flowering crops Ban dangerous pesticides
Protect pollinator health by preserving wild habitat Restore organic agriculture.

14 In the News “Honeybee sperm bank created to save the crucial pollinators” “USDA Disaster Assistance to help honeybee, livestock and farm-raised fish producers” “Mining for honey” “Can stress management help save honeybees?”

15 Waggle Dance

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