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Study Skills Vocabulary Unit 1

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1 Study Skills Vocabulary Unit 1

2 Bovine Boh-vyne adjective Definition: relating to or resembling an animal; sluggish and uninterested The bovine features of the man scared the children.

3 supine Soo-pyne adjective Definition: lying on the back; inclined The referee stopped the fight when the boxer lay on the mat in a supine position.

4 Asinine As-ih-nine adjective Definition: silly or stupid The solicitor asked so many asinine questions that I finally hung up.

5 Maritime Mar-ih-tyme adjective Definition: near the sea; related to shipping or navigation Ocean City is a maritime town in New Jersey.

6 Sublime Suh-blyme adjective Definition: impressive, inspiring, majestic The sublime melody worked itself throughout the entire musical.

7 Serene Se-reen adjective Definition: calm or tranquil Sunday dawned with a serene sky.

8 Forbode For-bode verb Definition: the predict or foretell The toddler’s purple face and clenched fists forebode his anger.

9 Bombastic Bom-bas-tik adjective Definition: use of language without real meaning Some people debate using bombastic language against their opponents.

10 Winnow Win-oh verb Definition: to get rid of or separate
We need to winnow the list of candidates to three.

11 Spawn spahn verb Definition: to give rise to; produce in large numbers
Joe’s negative outlook spawned hard feelings in his teammates.

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