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Murray to deliver to audience and introduce Bill and Mick.

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1 Murray to deliver to audience and introduce Bill and Mick.

2 Good afternoon everybody.
My name is Bill Drysdale, and I’m the safety and training coordinator at New Hope’s Jeebropilly and New Oakleigh operations. My co presenter is Mick Jefferys, who is the maintenance planner at Jeebropilly and the brains behind this innovation. The innovation that Mick and I will be discussing today is the Remote Emergency Shutdown System, which came about as a result of a desktop emergency simulation, and will play an important role at all New Hope operations in the future. We would like to start with a video presentation, and then Mick will discuss the more detailed workings of the system.


4 Summary of system Radio contacts fitted to turbo timer
Radio transmitter used from remote location to break contacts Machine shuts down Main isolation switch must be cycled before restarting machine In summary, the remote emergency shutdown system involves the following steps: Radio contacts fitted to turbo timer Radio transmitter used from remote location to break contacts Machine shuts down Main isolation switch must be cycled before restarting machine

5 This diagram shows is a good summary of how the Remote Emergency Shutdown system works.
Firstly…. Secondly… Thirdly… Lastly…

6 Benefits of system Allows rescue personnel to safely access equipment in emergency Potential for use on any earthmoving equipment Simple and easy to install Low cost The benefits of the remote emergency shutdown system significantly outweigh the costs. In summary, the major benefits of the system are that it: Allows rescue personnel to safely access equipment in emergency Potential for use on any earthmoving equipment Simple and easy to install Low cost

7 Discussion and questions
If there are any questions, we’d be pleased to answer them now.

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