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The Tulip Touch Anne Fine

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Presentation on theme: "The Tulip Touch Anne Fine"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tulip Touch Anne Fine
Lesson Objectives: To understand the opening chapters of the novel. To make realistic predictions of the plot. To be able to write persuasively.

2 What can you work out? Students to write down 5 words they think relate to the plot.

3 No one is born evil… Students to discuss the significance of this statement and say what they think it means in regards to the novel.

4 Part 1 - Chapter 1 How many of your words have you managed to tick off so far? Were you right?

5 QUOTE QUEST 2 1 Find a quote to match the picture. 3 4 5

6 Task Design a brochure for The Palace Hotel.
Try to persuade people to stay there. Think carefully about what you will/won’t include.

7 What are the features of persuasive writing?

8 Talk students through the key conventions of a typical hotel leaflet.


10 Plenary 1, 2, 3 Share your work with somebody else:
Ask them ONE question about their work. Write down TWO things they can improve with their work… Tell them THREE things you like about their work.

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