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Physical Science Final

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1 Physical Science Final
1st Semester 2012

2 Kilo means 1,000 100 .01 .001

3 SI temperature Degrees C Degrees F K S

4 .32 L = _______ ml 320 3.2 32 .32

5 Technology is Applied science Energy Matter Pure science

6 Gathering info through the senses
Analysis Observation Hypothesis Inference

7 A factor that does not change in an experiment
Constant Control Dependent variable Hypothesis

8 A factor that DOES change is
Independent variable Constant Control Observation

9 Motion is a change in Time Speed Velocity Position

10 A speedometer shows Instantaneous speed Constant speed Average speed

11 3 m/s North Speed Velocity Position Acceleration

12 vf-vi/t = Velocity Speed Acceleration Momentum

13 Upward force on a falling object
Air resistance inertia Momentum Velocity

14 F = ma Newton’s first law Newton’s second law Newton’s third law
Conservation of momentum

15 Path of a projectile is Curved Always horizontal Always vertical

16 Gravity depends on Friction Inertia Mass and distance
Speed and direction

17 P= mv Friction Inertia Momentum Position

18 To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Conservation of momentum Newton’s 1st law Newton’s 2nd law Newton’s 3rd law

19 300 N acts on a 25 kg object. Acceleration =? m/s2
7500 300 25 12

20 The end

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