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Roll your own Revision.

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Presentation on theme: "Roll your own Revision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roll your own Revision

2 How it works: You need a number of dice – 1/2/3 per student.
If you want, you can customise blank dice with a sharpie to something more subject- appropriate.

3 How it works continued:
You then need a worksheet/slide with a value assigned to each numeral. We use something like different nouns in the accusative case in one column, and different endings or tenses of verbs in the other. Students roll one die to obtain a noun, one to obtain a verb, write down the sentence that it creates and then translate. This enables each student to create their own personalised sentences for revision.

4 The Worksheet:

5 Differentiation: You can always add a third category and a third die to challenge more able students e.g. adding a dice for adjectives. You are of course not limited to six-sided dice!

6 Other Subjects: This “game” adapts itself easily to other subjects.
In RE, one die could represent the six major world faiths, and the other issues such as gender equality, alcohol, homosexuality, etc. In History, one die could represent years in the run-up to WWI, the other the major world powers of the time. You get the idea…

7 Odds: We have only used this with KS3 students, but feedback has been positive – students enjoy it and see it as something “different.” I do recommend insisting that your students roll onto a book or similar soft surface, otherwise the noise will drive you mad in about 0.3 seconds…

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