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Survey among NSIs on participation in the GEOSTAT project

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1 Survey among NSIs on participation in the GEOSTAT project
Marja Tammilehto-Luode

2 Why a SURVEY? To assist in the planning of a potential joint project of NSIs To collect information about geostatistics at NSIs and especially about willingness of NSIs to participate in a Multi-Beneficiary Grant Agreement to be signed between Eurostat and a Consortium of NSIs Simple, informal - no official statements - but instead “educated guesses” on how things stand at an institute Initiative made at EFGS meeting in Bled in 2008 Execution by MTL+ the steering group of EFGS 2

3 Themes Grids and small area statistics Geostat ESSnet proposal
INSPIRE and thematic data groups Metadata Other issues 3

4 Respondents 42 messages with “link to the survey” to 28 different countries 21 responses from 20 different countries 100% of NSIs! 4

5 Respondents Number of man-years devoted by the organisation to geostatistics in 2008
Man/Person-years Responses < > Total 20 5

6 Respondents Main activities carried out in the field of geostatistics
Development of geographic infrastructure for statistics with priority on the 2011 Population Census project (5) Visualisation for dissemination purposes of statistical data (7) Maintenance of geographical features for statistical attributes Geographical analysis, ad hoc research, spatial analysis Production of small area statistics Grid datasets Delineation of agglomerations, settlement areas Agricultural statistical data, environmental statistics Land use & land cover surveys Individual customer orders …Maps (official statistics), Data (service revenue)... 6

7 Grids and small area statistics
10 NSIs produce statistics by grids + 6 NSIs have plans to produce grids 15 NSIs produce small area statistics (other than by grids) 12 NSIs use standardised small areas (enumeration districts, localities…) 7

8 8

9 9

10 Geostat ESSnet proposal
14 have seen drafts of the Geostat project 12 would like to contribute to the project 8 would like to co-operate in some other matter The most interesting sub-projects Sub-projects Responses 1. Project management User needs Geostatistics Data infrastructure Reference group Case studies Evaluation, distribution 0 10

11 11

12 Geostat ESSnet proposal
Terms for participation in the project Responses Costs covered: 100% % % Not sure 9 Available man-months: Not sure 5 Availability Not sure 9 12

13 What are the major results your organisation expects
Better visibility and usability of our own grid data Gain knowledge and experience to establish, transform, display and interpret grid data from statistical surveys Improvement of international compatibility of statistical geodata, grids Practical guidance on the implementation of INSPIRE requirements Harmonised methodology for producing grid-based statistics Dissemination of small area statistics to the general public by a web interface Case studies, proof of added value of grid statistics Further development of geostatistics by exchanging knowledge and experiences with other organisations Additional approach to publishing statistics 13

14 Geostat project as an ESSnet project Statistics Sweden’s initiative
... Do you think that your organisation would support this initiative? Responses Very likely Quite likely Not likely Don’t know 5 Other, please specify 1 Total 14

15 INSPIRE and thematic data groups
13 NSIs participate in national SDI work National INSPIRE working group Metadata, network, legal Data themes appendix I and III 9 involved in commenting/defining Appendix III 13 would like to participate in making IR of Appendix III themes 15

16 16

17 Metadata Does your organisation describe its spatial dataset with a profile compliant with ISO and 19139? Responses % Yes No Total Do you have already concrete plans to publish metadata according to the INSPIRE implementing rules on metadata? Responses % Yes No Total 17

18 Metadata Does you organisation publish statistical metadata according to SDMX standards? Responses % Yes No Total 18

19 Other issues 13 interactive Internet portals where statistical data can be viewed on maps No information concerning Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania and Romania 19

20 Your comments are welcome Further information from: marja
Your comments are welcome Further information from: 20

21 Does your organisation operate an interactive internet portal where statistical data can be viewed on maps? If yes, please provide the URL Regional statistics Election statistics ---> "Interaktive Anwendungen”

22 or

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