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Anatomy of a Lawsuit 1/17/2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy of a Lawsuit 1/17/2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy of a Lawsuit 1/17/2019

2 Accident 1/17/2019

3 Client conference 1/17/2019

4 Settlement fails 1/17/2019

5 Filing suit at the courthouse

6 Discovery (deposition)

7 Pre-trial 1/17/2019

8 Bench trial 1/17/2019

9 Jury Trial 1/17/2019

10 Litigation Process 1st – Information Gathering & Investigation Stage
Interview Client Gather Facts Research the Law 1/17/2019

11 Deadlines for filing each pleading
2nd – Pleadings Stage Formal documents filed by the parties to initiate or respond to the litigation. Types: Complaint & Summons Answer Counterclaim Reply Deadlines for filing each pleading 1/17/2019

12 3rd – Discovery & Motions Stage
Discovery – pretrial procedure by which the parties exchange information. Motions – oral or written request for the court to make a decision (ruling). 1/17/2019

13 4th – Trial Stage 1st Jury Selection 2nd Opening Statement
3rd Plaintiff Presents Case 4th Defendant Presents Case 5th Closing Argument 6th Jury Instructions/Charges 7th Jury Deliberation 8th Jury Verdict 1/17/2019

14 Appellee – responds to the appeal.
5th – Appeal Appellant – files the appeal. (Appellant/Plaintiff or Appellant/Defendant) Appellee – responds to the appeal. 1/17/2019

15 Court of Appeals/ US Supreme Court
*Can only appeal issues of law. *May not appeal issues of fact. *Court must review all issues of law. *Supreme Court is not required to hear all cases * Writ of Certiori must be granted for US Supreme Court 1/17/2019

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