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Registered Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
Engineering 43 Chp 7 – 2nd Order Ckts Bruce Mayer, PE Registered Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
2nd Order Basic Ckt Eqn Parallel Series Single Node-Pair → KCL
Single Loop → KVL At DC Steady-State: for Node-Pair v(t) = 0 as IND is a SHORT, for Loop i(t) = 0 as CAP is OPEN Differentiating
Illustration Write The Differential Eqn for v(t) & i(t) Respectively
The Forcing Function The Forcing Function Parallel RLC Model Series RLC Model In This Case In This Case So So
2nd Order Response Equation
Need Solutions to the 2nd Order ODE If the Forcing Fcn is a Constant, A, Then Discern a Particular Soln As Before The Solution Should Take This form Verify xp Where xp Particular Solution xc Complementary Solution For Any const Forcing Fcn, f(t) = A
The Complementary Solution
The Complementary Solution Satisfies the HOMOGENOUS Eqn Nomenclature “Damping Ratio” 0 Undamped “Natural” Frequency Need xc So That the “0th”, 1st & 2nd Derivatives Have the same form so they will CANCEL in the Homogeneous Eqn Look for Solution of the form ReWrite in Std form Squiggle greek ltr => zeta Where a1 20 a2 02
Complementary Solution cont
Sub Assumed Solution (x = Kest) into the Homogenous Eqn A value for “s” That SATISFIES the CHARACTERISTIC Eqn ensures that Kest is a SOLUTION to the Homogeneous Eqn Units Analysis Canceling Kest The Above is Called the Characteristic Equation
Complementary Solution cont.2
Recall Homog. Eqn. Short Example: Given Homogenous Eqn Determine Characteristic Eqn Damping Ratio, Natural frequency, 0 Given Homog. Eqn Discern Units after Canceling Amps Coefficient of 2nd Order Term MUST be 1
Complementary Solution cont.3
Example Cont. Before Moving On, Verify that Kest is a Solution To The Homogenous Eqn Then K=0 is the TRIVIAL Solution We need More
Complementary Solution cont.4
If Kest is a Solution Then Need Solve By Completing the Square The CHARACTERISTIC Equation Solve For s by One of Quadratic Eqn Completing The Square The Solution for s Generates 3 Cases >1 <1 =1
Initial Conditions Summarize the Complementary solution
Find K1 and K2 From INITIAL CONDITIONS x(0) AND (this is important) [dx/dt]t=0; e.g.; Two Eqns in Two Unknowns Must Somehow find a NUMBER for
Case 1: >1 → OVERdamped
The Damped Natural Frequencies, s1 and s2, are REAL and UNequal The Natural Response Described by the Relation Find Constants from Initial Conditions The Response is a Decaying Exponential
Case 2: <1 → UNDERdamped
Since <1 The Characteristic Eqn Yields COMPLEX Roots as Complex Conjugates So with j=(-1) Where d Damped Oscillation Frequency Damping Factor Then The Underdamped Response Equation
Underdamped Eqn Development
Start w/ Soln to Homogeneous Eqn Since K1 & K2 are Arbitrary Constants, Replace with NEW Arbitrary Constants From Appendix; The Euler Identity Sub A1 & A2 to Obtain Then
Underdamped IC’s Find Under Damped Constants A1 & A2
Given “Zero Order” IC Now dx/dt at any t With xp = D (const) then at t=0 for total solution Arrive at Two Eqns in Two Unknowns But MUST have a Number for X1 For 1st-Order IC
Case 3: =1 →CRITICALLY damped
The Damped Natural Frequencies, s1 and s2, are REAL and EQUAL The Natural Response Described by Relation Find Constants from Initial Conditions The Natural Response is a Decaying Exponential against The Sum of a CONSTANT and a LINEAR Term EXERCISE VERIFY that the Above IS a solution to the Homogenous Equation
Example: Case Analyses
Determine The General Form Of The Solution Characteristic Eqn Recast To Std Form Then The Undamped Frequency and Damping Ratio Factor The Char. Eqn Real, Equal Roots → Critically Damped (C3)
Example: Case Analyses cont.
For Char. Eqn Complete the Square Then the Solution The Roots are Complex and Unequal → an Underdamped (Case 2) System Find the Damped Parameters
Parallel RLC Example Find Damping Ratio and Undamped Natural Frequency given R =1 Ω L = 2 H C = 2 F The Homogeneous Eqn from KCL Or, In Std From Recognize Parameters
Parallel RLC Example cont
Then: Damping Factor, Damped Frequency Then The Response Equation If: v(0)=10 V, and dv(0)/dt = 0 V/S, Then Find: Plot on Next Slide
Determine Constants Using ICs
Standardized form of the ODE Including the FORCING FCN “A” Case-2 → UnderDamped Case-1 → OverDamped Case-3 → Crit. Damping
Numerical Example For The Given 2nd Order Ckt Find for t>0
io(t), vo(t) From Ckt Diagram Recognize by Ohm’s Law KVL The Char Eqn & Roots KVL at t>0 Taking d(KVL)/dt → ODE The Solution Model
Numerical Example cont
Steady State for t<0 The Analysis at t = 0+ Then Find The Constants from ICs KVL at t=0+ (vc(0+) = 0) Note that VOLTAGE across ind CAN change instantaneously Then di0/dt by vL = LdiL/dt Solving for K1 and K2
Numerical Example cont.2
Return to the ODE Yields Char. Eqn Roots And Recall io & vo reln Write Soln for i0 So Finally
Complete the Square -1 Consider the General 2nd Order Polynomial
a.k.a; the Quadratic Eqn Next, Divide by “a” to give the second order term the coefficient of 1 Where a, b, c are CONSTANTS Solve This Eqn for x by Completing the Square First; isolate the Terms involving x Now add to both Sides of the eqn a “quadratic supplement” of (b/2a)2
Complete the Square -2 Now the Left-Hand-Side (LHS) is a PERFECT Square Use the Perfect Sq Expression Finally Find the Roots of the Quadratic Eqn Solve for x; but first let
Derive Quadratic Eqn -1 Start with the PERFECT SQUARE Expression
Combine Terms inside the Radical over a Common Denom Take the Square Root of Both Sides
Derive Quadratic Eqn -2 Note that Denom is, itself, a PERFECT SQ
Now Combine over Common Denom But this the Renowned QUADRATIC FORMULA Note That it was DERIVED by COMPLETING the SQUARE Next, Isolate x The quadratic formula was derived BEFORE Phythagorus
KEY to 2nd Order → [dx/dt]t=0+
Most Confusion in 2nd Order Ckts comes in the form of the First-Derivative IC If x = vC, Then Find iC MUST Find at t=0+ vL or iC Note that THESE Quantities CAN Change Instantaneously iC (but NOT vC) vL (but NOT iL) If x = iL, Then Find vL
General Ckt Solution Strategy
Apply KCL or KVL depending on Nature of ckt (single: node-pair? loop?) Convert between VI using Ohm’s Law Cap Law Ind Law Solve Resulting Ckt Analytical-Model using Any & All MATH Methods
2nd Order ODE SuperSUMMARY-1
Find ANY Particular Solution to the ODE, xp (often a CONSTANT) Homogenize ODE → set RHS = 0 Assume xc = Kest; Sub into ODE Find Characteristic Eqn for xc a 2nd order Polynomial Differentiating
2nd Order ODE SuperSUMMARY-2
Find Roots to Char Eqn Using Quadratic Formula (or Sq-Completion) Examine Nature of Roots to Reveal form of the Eqn for the Complementary Solution: Real & Unequal Roots → xc = Decaying Constants Real & Equal Roots → xc = Decaying Line Complex Roots → xc = Decaying Sinusoid
2nd Order ODE SuperSUMMARY-3
Then the Complete Solution: x = xc + xp All Complete Solutions for x(t) include 2 Unknown Constants Use the Two INITIAL Conditions to generate two Eqns for the 2 unknowns Solve for the 2 Unknowns to Complete the Solution Process
WhiteBoard Work Let’s Work This Prob Some Findings
7e P6.69 => see 2nd_Order_ODE_7e_6-69_0804.ppt
The Single-Node Pair Assume that the SWITCH is a BETTER Short-Circuit than the INDUCTOR for t = 0− Steady-State Analysis
iO,max mA 804.7 mS
i0,max = mA
Complete the Square
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