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Registered Electrical & Mechanical Engineer

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1 Registered Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
Engineering 43 Chp 7 – 2nd Order Ckts Bruce Mayer, PE Registered Electrical & Mechanical Engineer

2 2nd Order  Basic Ckt Eqn Parallel Series Single Node-Pair → KCL
Single Loop → KVL At DC Steady-State: for Node-Pair v(t) = 0 as IND is a SHORT, for Loop i(t) = 0 as CAP is OPEN Differentiating

3 Illustration Write The Differential Eqn for v(t) & i(t) Respectively
The Forcing Function The Forcing Function Parallel RLC Model Series RLC Model In This Case In This Case So So

4 2nd Order Response Equation
Need Solutions to the 2nd Order ODE If the Forcing Fcn is a Constant, A, Then Discern a Particular Soln As Before The Solution Should Take This form Verify xp Where xp  Particular Solution xc  Complementary Solution For Any const Forcing Fcn, f(t) = A

5 The Complementary Solution
The Complementary Solution Satisfies the HOMOGENOUS Eqn Nomenclature   “Damping Ratio” 0  Undamped “Natural” Frequency Need xc So That the “0th”, 1st & 2nd Derivatives Have the same form so they will CANCEL in the Homogeneous Eqn Look for Solution of the form ReWrite in Std form Squiggle greek ltr => zeta Where a1  20 a2  02

6 Complementary Solution cont
Sub Assumed Solution (x = Kest) into the Homogenous Eqn A value for “s” That SATISFIES the CHARACTERISTIC Eqn ensures that Kest is a SOLUTION to the Homogeneous Eqn Units Analysis Canceling Kest The Above is Called the Characteristic Equation

7 Complementary Solution cont.2
Recall Homog. Eqn. Short Example: Given Homogenous Eqn Determine Characteristic Eqn Damping Ratio,  Natural frequency, 0 Given Homog. Eqn Discern Units after Canceling Amps Coefficient of 2nd Order Term MUST be 1

8 Complementary Solution cont.3
Example Cont. Before Moving On, Verify that Kest is a Solution To The Homogenous Eqn Then K=0 is the TRIVIAL Solution We need More

9 Complementary Solution cont.4
If Kest is a Solution Then Need Solve By Completing the Square The CHARACTERISTIC Equation Solve For s by One of Quadratic Eqn Completing The Square The Solution for s Generates 3 Cases >1 <1 =1

10 Initial Conditions Summarize the Complementary solution
Find K1 and K2 From INITIAL CONDITIONS x(0) AND (this is important) [dx/dt]t=0; e.g.; Two Eqns in Two Unknowns Must Somehow find a NUMBER for

11 Case 1: >1 → OVERdamped
The Damped Natural Frequencies, s1 and s2, are REAL and UNequal The Natural Response Described by the Relation Find Constants from Initial Conditions The Response is a Decaying Exponential

12 Case 2: <1 → UNDERdamped
Since <1 The Characteristic Eqn Yields COMPLEX Roots as Complex Conjugates So with j=(-1) Where d  Damped Oscillation Frequency   Damping Factor Then The Underdamped Response Equation

13 Underdamped Eqn Development
Start w/ Soln to Homogeneous Eqn Since K1 & K2 are Arbitrary Constants, Replace with NEW Arbitrary Constants From Appendix; The Euler Identity Sub A1 & A2 to Obtain Then

14 Underdamped IC’s Find Under Damped Constants A1 & A2
Given “Zero Order” IC Now dx/dt at any t With xp = D (const) then at t=0 for total solution Arrive at Two Eqns in Two Unknowns But MUST have a Number for X1 For 1st-Order IC

15 Case 3: =1 →CRITICALLY damped
The Damped Natural Frequencies, s1 and s2, are REAL and EQUAL The Natural Response Described by Relation Find Constants from Initial Conditions The Natural Response is a Decaying Exponential against The Sum of a CONSTANT and a LINEAR Term EXERCISE VERIFY that the Above IS a solution to the Homogenous Equation

16 Example: Case Analyses
Determine The General Form Of The Solution Characteristic Eqn Recast To Std Form Then The Undamped Frequency and Damping Ratio Factor The Char. Eqn Real, Equal Roots → Critically Damped (C3)

17 Example: Case Analyses cont.
For Char. Eqn Complete the Square Then the Solution The Roots are Complex and Unequal → an Underdamped (Case 2) System Find the Damped Parameters

18 Parallel RLC Example Find Damping Ratio and Undamped Natural Frequency given R =1 Ω L = 2 H C = 2 F The Homogeneous Eqn from KCL Or, In Std From Recognize Parameters

19 Parallel RLC Example cont
Then: Damping Factor, Damped Frequency Then The Response Equation If: v(0)=10 V, and dv(0)/dt = 0 V/S, Then Find: Plot on Next Slide


21 Determine Constants Using ICs
Standardized form of the ODE Including the FORCING FCN “A” Case-2 → UnderDamped Case-1 → OverDamped Case-3 → Crit. Damping

22 Numerical Example For The Given 2nd Order Ckt Find for t>0
io(t), vo(t) From Ckt Diagram Recognize by Ohm’s Law KVL The Char Eqn & Roots KVL at t>0 Taking d(KVL)/dt → ODE The Solution Model

23 Numerical Example cont
Steady State for t<0 The Analysis at t = 0+ Then Find The Constants from ICs KVL at t=0+ (vc(0+) = 0) Note that VOLTAGE across ind CAN change instantaneously Then di0/dt by vL = LdiL/dt Solving for K1 and K2

24 Numerical Example cont.2
Return to the ODE Yields Char. Eqn Roots And Recall io & vo reln Write Soln for i0 So Finally

25 Complete the Square -1 Consider the General 2nd Order Polynomial
a.k.a; the Quadratic Eqn Next, Divide by “a” to give the second order term the coefficient of 1 Where a, b, c are CONSTANTS Solve This Eqn for x by Completing the Square First; isolate the Terms involving x Now add to both Sides of the eqn a “quadratic supplement” of (b/2a)2

26 Complete the Square -2 Now the Left-Hand-Side (LHS) is a PERFECT Square Use the Perfect Sq Expression Finally Find the Roots of the Quadratic Eqn Solve for x; but first let

27 Derive Quadratic Eqn -1 Start with the PERFECT SQUARE Expression
Combine Terms inside the Radical over a Common Denom Take the Square Root of Both Sides

28 Derive Quadratic Eqn -2 Note that Denom is, itself, a PERFECT SQ
Now Combine over Common Denom But this the Renowned QUADRATIC FORMULA Note That it was DERIVED by COMPLETING the SQUARE Next, Isolate x The quadratic formula was derived BEFORE Phythagorus

29 KEY to 2nd Order → [dx/dt]t=0+
Most Confusion in 2nd Order Ckts comes in the form of the First-Derivative IC If x = vC, Then Find iC MUST Find at t=0+ vL or iC Note that THESE Quantities CAN Change Instantaneously iC (but NOT vC) vL (but NOT iL) If x = iL, Then Find vL

30 General Ckt Solution Strategy
Apply KCL or KVL depending on Nature of ckt (single: node-pair? loop?) Convert between VI using Ohm’s Law Cap Law Ind Law Solve Resulting Ckt Analytical-Model using Any & All MATH Methods

31 2nd Order ODE SuperSUMMARY-1
Find ANY Particular Solution to the ODE, xp (often a CONSTANT) Homogenize ODE → set RHS = 0 Assume xc = Kest; Sub into ODE Find Characteristic Eqn for xc  a 2nd order Polynomial Differentiating

32 2nd Order ODE SuperSUMMARY-2
Find Roots to Char Eqn Using Quadratic Formula (or Sq-Completion) Examine Nature of Roots to Reveal form of the Eqn for the Complementary Solution: Real & Unequal Roots → xc = Decaying Constants Real & Equal Roots → xc = Decaying Line Complex Roots → xc = Decaying Sinusoid

33 2nd Order ODE SuperSUMMARY-3
Then the Complete Solution: x = xc + xp All Complete Solutions for x(t) include 2 Unknown Constants Use the Two INITIAL Conditions to generate two Eqns for the 2 unknowns Solve for the 2 Unknowns to Complete the Solution Process

34 WhiteBoard Work Let’s Work This Prob Some Findings
7e P6.69 => see 2nd_Order_ODE_7e_6-69_0804.ppt

35 The Single-Node Pair Assume that the SWITCH is a BETTER Short-Circuit than the INDUCTOR for t = 0− Steady-State Analysis

36 iO,max mA 804.7 mS


38 i0,max = mA

39 Complete the Square

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