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생체계측 II Report #7 2005200427 송성진 Medical Instrumentation II.

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Presentation on theme: "생체계측 II Report #7 2005200427 송성진 Medical Instrumentation II."— Presentation transcript:

1 생체계측 II Report # 송성진 Medical Instrumentation II

2 <Electric Circuit> <Fluid Mechanics>
Multi physics. ref. <Electric Circuit> V o l t a g e C u r r e n t C h a r g e <Fluid Mechanics> P r e s s u r e F l o w V o l u m e ρ is density L is length η is viscosity C is compliance ρ is resistivity Medical Instrumentation II

3 We must measure pressure, Pi !
Catheter Model. We must measure pressure, Pi ! Diaphragm + Strain gage Pi -> Vi - Cable Blood vessel Po -> Vo Sensor Medical Instrumentation II

4 Equivalent Circuit Model.
1) 2) Medical Instrumentation II

5 3) Second order Ordinary Differential Equation(ODE)
4) Laplace equivalent transform Medical Instrumentation II

6 (or undamped Frequency)
Damping Ratio Natural Frequency (or undamped Frequency) Medical Instrumentation II

7 Frequency transfer function
Medical Instrumentation II

8 Medical Instrumentation II

9 We know that Wn is 1/root(LcCd)
1/2ζ ∞ → 0 Wn ω We know that Wn is 1/root(LcCd) almost 80Hz ~ 90Hz Medical Instrumentation II

10 1. If ζ = 0.5 , Flat (response) ІHІ 1/2ζ = 1 Wn ω Critical damping
But, Wn is increasing, not flat So ІHІ is decreasing Medical Instrumentation II

11 2. If ζ = 1 , ІHІ 1 1/2ζ = 0.5 Wn ω Over damped
It is that high frequency decreasing Medical Instrumentation II

12 so that amplified same magnitude.
Ex) Іvi(ј ω)І Wn is going to be more 30Hz so that amplified same magnitude. ω 30Hz If Іvi(ј ω)І Medical Instrumentation II

13 If ζ = 0.25 , Ex) ІHІ 1/2ζ = 2 1 ω Wn Under damped
Medical Instrumentation II

14 We must regulate phase & magnitude response appropriate
Phaser transfer graph <H Wn → ∞ ω We must regulate phase & magnitude response appropriate -π/2 ζ increasing -> G -> B -> R Medical Instrumentation II

15 Question) Why change D by jω?
1. D operation General RLC Circuit d/dt Δ= D (operater) Operational transfer function Medical Instrumentation II

16 2. Fourier transform Medical Instrumentation II

17 Medical Instrumentation II

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