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The Nature and Extent of the movement of peoples.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nature and Extent of the movement of peoples."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nature and Extent of the movement of peoples.
1492 onwards…..


3 The New World… 1492 – Christopher Columbus discovers the Americas.
1770 Captain James Cook discovers Australia and claims it for the British Empire. 1788 – the first penal settlement in Sydney Cove became part of the emerging New World. European settlement of the New World began as early as the 1600s in the USA.

4 Voluntary Migration… Privately organised British colonies were categorised by voluntary migration: *Free Land Grants *Assisted Migration Passages *Bounty Scheme **Expand on your knowledge of these items after reading through text, pgs 10 and 11.


6 The Early Pioneers….

7 Early Transport…Cobb & Co.

8 Involuntary Migration….
*Individuals had no choice in the matter and were forced to migrate against their wills. *Examples include the migration of convicts to Australia and the migration of African slaves to the Americas.








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