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Photosynthesis: Life from Light and Air

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1 Photosynthesis: Life from Light and Air
Honors Biology

2 Honors Biology

3 Energy needs of life All life needs a constant input of energy
Heterotrophs get their energy from “eating others” eat food = other organisms = organic molecules make energy through cellular respiration Autotrophs get their energy from “self” get their energy from sunlight build organic molecules (food) from CO2 make energy & synthesize sugars through photosynthesis Honors Biology

4 Energy needs of life Heterotrophs Autotrophs consumers animals fungi
most bacteria Autotrophs producers plants photosynthetic bacteria (blue-green algae) Honors Biology

5 Energy Flow through the Environment
Light Energy 3. Foxes (heterotrophs) get energy by eating rabbits. Cellular Respiration. 2. Rabbits (heterotrophs) get energy by eating plants. Cellular Respiration. 1. Plants (autotrophs) convert light energy (sunlight) to chemical energy. Photosynthesis. Honors Biology

6 How are they connected? Respiration by Heterotrophs 
glucose + oxygen  carbon + water + energy dioxide C6H12O6 6O2 6CO2 6H2O ATP + exergonic Photosynthesis by Autotrophs So, in effect, photosynthesis is respiration run backwards powered by light. Cellular Respiration oxidize C6H12O6  CO2 & produce H2O fall of electrons downhill to O2 exergonic Photosynthesis reduce CO2  C6H12O6 & produce O2 boost electrons uphill by splitting H2O endergonic + water + energy  glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide 6CO2 6H2O C6H12O6 6O2 light energy + endergonic Honors Biology

7 ATP-Reminder! ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the molecule of energy for organisms. When organic molecules are broken down by organisms, ATP is released. The ATP that is released, provides energy for metabolism in the organism. Honors Biology

8 ATP Releases Energy Honors Biology

9 Energy cycle ATP Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration sun CO2 O2 H2O
plants H2O CO2 glucose O2 animals, plants Cellular Respiration ATP It’s the Circle of Life! Honors Biology

10 What does it mean to be a plant
Need to… collect light energy transform it into chemical energy store light energy in a stable form to be moved around the plant & also saved for a rainy day need to get building block atoms from the environment C,H,O,N,P,K,S,Mg produce all organic molecules needed for growth carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids ATP Glucose/starch H2O CO2 N P K Honors Biology

11 Basic Plant Structure Obtaining raw materials sunlight CO2 H2O
leaves = solar collectors CO2 stomata = gas exchange H2O uptake from roots nutrients N, P, K, S, Mg, Fe… Honors Biology

12 stomate transpiration
Honors Biology

13 Plant structure Chloroplasts Thylakoid membrane contains
double membrane stroma fluid-filled interior thylakoid sacs grana stacks Thylakoid membrane contains pigment molecules electron transport chain H+ gradient built up within thylakoid sac A typical mesophyll cell has chloroplasts, each about 2-4 microns by 4-7 microns long. Each chloroplast has two membranes around a central aqueous space, the stroma. In the stroma are membranous sacs, the thylakoids. These have an internal aqueous space, the thylakoid lumen or thylakoid space. Thylakoids may be stacked into columns called grana. H+ Honors Biology

14 Pigments Molecules called Pigments absorb light.
The major light-absorbing pigments in plants are called Chlorophyll a & b. Found in thylackoids Carotenoids (carotene & xanthrophyll) - pigments that produce yellow and orange fall leaf color, as well as colors of fruits, flowers, & veggies Honors Biology

15 Light: absorption spectra
Photosynthesis gets energy by absorbing wavelengths of light (photons) chlorophyll a absorbs best in red & blue wavelengths & least in green other pigments with different structures absorb light of different wavelengths Why are plants green? Honors Biology

16 Stages of Photosynthesis
Light reactions (LR) light-dependent reactions energy production reactions convert solar energy to chemical energy ATP & NADPH Calvin Cycle (CC) light-independent reactions sugar production reactions uses chemical energy (ATP & NADPH) to make (carbohydrates) C6H12O6 from CO2 It’s the Dark Reactions! Honors Biology

17 Light Reactions (LR)  produces ATP produces NADPH
H2O ATP O2 light energy + NADPH H2O sunlight produces ATP produces NADPH releases O2 as a waste product Energy Building Reactions NADPH ATP O2 Honors Biology

18 Light Reaction: Part One
Chlorophyll absorbs photons 2. This energy excites chlorophyll’s electrons. These excited electrons leave the thylackoid (bound for the ETC’s) The electron “holes” are replaced by splitting a water molecule. Water molecules are split by an enzyme Electrons are taken from hydrogen, leaving H+ ions What does this leave? Oxygen is released into atmosphere OXYGEN!! Honors Biology

19 Light Reaction: Part One
Excited Electrons Chlorophyll Honors Biology

20 Light Reaction: Part 2 The excited electrons made in stage 1 are passed along the thylackoid membrane through numerous proteins called electron transport chains. Like a hot potato being passed down a line of people Honors Biology

21 Electron Transport Chain 1
The “chain” is made up of protein pumps Excited electrons lose some of their energy when they pass through each protein The energy lost is used to pump H+ ions (from split water) in through proton pumps As H+ ions diffuse back out, a chemical reaction adds a phosphate group to a molecule of ADP making ATP. This powers the 3rd Stage of photosynthesis Honors Biology

22 Electron Transport Chains
Honors Biology

23 Electron Transport Chain 2
Made in a second electron transport chain. Light-excited electrons, hydrogen ions, and NADP+ combine This forms NADPH NADPH is another energy rich molecule in cells The ATP and NADPH will be used to power the last stage of photosynthesis (Calvin Cycle). Honors Biology

24 Honors Biology

25 Summary of Light Reactions
Pigments absorb light energy Excited electrons leave to go on to electron transport chains. Lost electrons are replaced by splitting water molecules…making…. H+ ions diffuse back out making ATP NADP+ and electrons and H+ combine to form NADPH OXYGEN AND H+ STAGE 2 Honors Biology

26 Whoops! Wrong Calvin… The Calvin Cycle Honors Biology

27 Calvin Cycle (CC)  builds sugars uses ATP & NADPH
CO2 C6H12O6 + NADP ATP NADPH ADP CO2 builds sugars uses ATP & NADPH recycles ADP & NADP back to make more ATP & NADPH ADP NADP Sugar Building Reactions NADPH ATP sugars C6H12O6 Honors Biology

28 Stage 2: Calvin Cycle The series of light-independent reactions that assembles complex carbohydrates is called the Calvin Cycle. Uses carbon atoms from CO2 , this is called carbon fixation The energy needed to power the cycle comes from ATP and NADPH made in the light reactions of photosynthesis. glucose Honors Biology

29 More Calvin Cycle Using energy from ATP, carbon atoms from CO2 in the air and hydrogen atoms from NADPH produce a series of carbon-containing molecules. Some of these molecules are used to make organic compounds. Others return to the beginning of the cycle to enable the capture of CO2 to continue. Honors Biology

30 Honors Biology

31 Putting it all together
CO2 H2O C6H12O6 O2 light energy + H2O CO2 Plants make both: energy ATP & NADPH sugars sunlight ADP NADP Energy Building Reactions Sugar Building Reactions NADPH ATP sugars C6H12O6 O2 Honors Biology

32 Photosynthesis summary
Light reactions Consumed photons consumed H2O produced H+ ions produced ATP produced NADPH produced O2 as byproduct Calvin cycle consumed CO2 Produced C6H12O6 regenerated ADP regenerated NADP+ ADP NADP Honors Biology

33 Summary of Photosynthesis
6 CO2 + 6 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 O2 Carbon dioxide and water, in the presence of sunlight, will react to form sugars and oxygen gas. Honors Biology

34 Factors Affecting Photosynthesis
Light intensity Rate of photosynthesis increases as light intensity increases, until a point CO2 Concentration Rate of photosynthesis increases as levels of CO2 increase, until a point Most efficient within a certain range of temperatures Honors Biology

35 Supporting a biosphere
On global scale, photosynthesis is the most important process for the continuation of life on Earth each year photosynthesis synthesizes 160 billion tons of carbohydrate heterotrophs are dependent on plants as food source for fuel & raw materials

36 The poetic perspective…
All the solid material of every plant was built by sunlight out of thin air All the solid material of every animal was built from plant material sun air Then all the cats, dogs, rats, people & elephants… are really strands of air woven together by sunlight! Honors Biology

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