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Men’s Journey Group Fall 2018

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1 Men’s Journey Group Fall 2018
Simplify Your Spiritual Life by Donald Whitney

2 Recap of Last 2 sessions -Rely on the truth -Meditate on the truth
‘Simplifying’ your spiritual life does not mean less. ‘Simplify’ means more of the right things. Check and ensure you have a spiritual ‘pulse’ Expect difficulty and reward to be normal when following Jesus and living for God’s glory -Rely on the truth -Meditate on the truth

3 Prayer The substance of your prayers expect God to work!
fight against repetition and meaninglessness pray with scripture and from scripture pray about your day remove filler words pray when you see different things that prompt you Ways to keep your prayer life alive use others prayers as starting points take a walk/break and pray find a spot to pray

4 Prayer Recite the Memory Verse
(p 89-90) Whitney talks about committing your plans for the day to the lord. What does this mean? How can you begin (or continue) to apply this? What repeated prayers of yours came to mind as you read that chapter (p 78-79)? What passages of scripture could you pray that same prayer with?

5 Journaling Talk about it
Potential for great personal and spiritual benefit Lots of ideas on how to get started, unstuck and enjoy Clear benefits to you and those who read it after you Talk about it Have you ever kept a journal with the ‘purpose of godliness’ (1 Tim 4:7; pg 97)? Talk about your experience. If you answered no to the above, what are the obstacles you see that prevent you from keeping a spiritual journal? What is the next step you can take in moving towards this practice?

6 Luke 18:1-14 ! ?

7 Reminders As You Leave Get a copy of the Book ($0 - not a typo)
Take a copy of the schedule Take a worksheet for the passage for next meeting

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