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LTSS Lesson 8 Special Relationships

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Presentation on theme: "LTSS Lesson 8 Special Relationships"— Presentation transcript:

1 LTSS Lesson 8 Special Relationships
Title Page

2 Fulcrum, Effort and Load
Name the three everyday objects and their uses. Name the variables. What is the relationship for each one? One work sheet per group of three, set out on the tables so that the learners can begin when they arrive. They will be able to identify context specific variables but hopefully one group with relate the generic terms in the title to their context specific variables. Spotting the fulcrum, (turning point is difficult for the bottle opener). You may need to demonstrate this.

3 Simple Experiment with a Lever
What is the relationship between the two lifts? Groups of 3 maximum. The groups discuss their prediction. One group carries out the experiment to determine the result.

4 Experimenting with a Lever
What is the relationship between the load and effort? Activity 1. Groups of 3 maximum. A student in each group draws a two column table with the headings Variables and Values to record their answers.

5 Activity 2: Groups of 3 maximum. Answer the questions.

6 What is the relationship between the load and effort?
Activity 2. Groups of 3 maximum. Answer the questions.

7 Consolidation and Review
Revisit the hook and the levers experiment. Compare and contrast these with the strawberry jam example. Bridge to other everyday examples.

8 End

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