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Churchmead Design Technology

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1 Churchmead Design Technology
Name: Date: People New and emerging technologies Circle the correct 3 answers. Technology Push is: When products are made because consumers demand it. A product that takes advantage of new materials, such as carbon fibre. When there is a gap in the market, so a new product is invented. A product that uses new technology. When factories improve processes that allows for new products. Circle the correct 3 answers. Examples of Market Pull are: A demand from consumers for new or improved products. A product that uses new technology A competing product is launched by another manufacturer. A manufacturer wants to increase their share of the market. When factories improve processes that allows for new products Churchmead Design Technology

2 Churchmead Design Technology
Name: Date: Environment New and emerging technologies A continual improvement process, also often called a continuous improvement process (abbreviated as CIP or CI), is an ongoing effort to improve products, services, or processes. Think of product and see if you can improve it’s design in anyway to make it better for the environment Identify a change Do you think It will work? How can it be changed? How can these changes be made? Churchmead Design Technology

3 Churchmead Design Technology
Name: Date: Design Decisions - Maintenance New and emerging technologies Look at the products below, what features do they have? Have they been designed for maintenance or do they have Planned obsolescence? Churchmead Design Technology

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