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Burns/Dudley/Marrero Aug , 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Burns/Dudley/Marrero Aug , 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Burns/Dudley/Marrero Aug. 20-24, 2018
Dudley/Burns: We will begin reading Steal Away Home this week. Students will be responsible for vocabulary on the test. We will read half the book and take test and read the second half and test again. Marrero: We will begin reading Class Clown this week. Students will be responsible for vocabulary on test. 1st Nine Week Language Skills: conjunctions, prepositions, interjections, commas in a series, context clues, Greek and Latin roots SCHEDULE: MONDAY: TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: Mid Unit 1 math test THURSDAY: FRIDAY: Math: This week we will review order of operations, place value, and words to expressions. Students will take the Mid Unit 1 test over these topics on Wednesday, August 22nd. Students have study guides. We will begin working on multiplying whole numbers on Thursday. SCIENCE: Students will continue to review Chemical and Physical Changes. A study guide was sent home last week. Unit 1 Assessment is 8/24/18 SS: Students will continue to study the Turn of the Century America. We will continue discussing world affairs including Theodore Roosevelt, the Panama Canal and immigration in the United States. A study guide was sent home last week. Unit 1 Assessment will be 8/29/18. ICE CREAM Tuesdays Prepayment $30.00 Due by 8/31/18

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