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Imperialist Presidents

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1 Imperialist Presidents
and their policies!

2 Theodore Roosevelt Big Stick Diplomacy
Having a large military was enough to intimidate countries into doing what we want “Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick” BEST EXAMPLE: Panama Canal

3 Theodore Roosevelt Why do you think the Roosevelt Corollary was added? Roosevelt added the “Roosevelt Corollary” to the Monroe Doctrine. The U.S. could intervene in any Latin American country if necessary

4 Theodore Roosevelt Great White Fleet
Roosevelt ordered the circumnavigation of the globe by the best U.S. naval ships Meant to show off our naval supremacy

5 Theodore Roosevelt Peacemaker
Teddy Roosevelt negotiated an end to the Russo-Japanese War (he did it to protect America trade) Earned him a Nobel Peace Prize

6 Why do you think Dollar Diplomacy is important?
William Howard Taft Why do you think Dollar Diplomacy is important? Dollar Diplomacy Provide money & services to Latin and South America in exchange for alliances Designed to protect economic ($$) interests and increase U.S. power in the world BEST EXAMPLE: Dominican Republic

7 Woodrow Wilson Moral (Missionary) Diplomacy
Idea that U.S. should be the conscience of the world – spread democracy, promote peace, condemn colonialism We would intervene in countries with human rights violations

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