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WASH AND CASH Agenda: I – CTP overview II – CTP for WASH

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1 WASH AND CASH Agenda: I – CTP overview II – CTP for WASH
III- MPCG – WASH Considerations IV- Identify needs for the CWG

2 “Grand Bargain agreement at the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit: the use of cash transfers has become a key component of humanitarian assistance. There is strong evidence and consensus that cash transfers are efficient and effective in covering basic needs.” Impact of Cash on Nutrition Outcomes, WFP, Action Against Hunger.

3 I – Cash-based Transfer Programming overview

4 Unconditional CTs (UCTs): no conditions attached to them, with the exception of broadly defined eligibility categories (i.e.,only a defined subpopulation such as victims of a disaster are eligible). Conditional CTs (CCTs): require recipients to fulfil specific prescribed criteria (sometimes also called co- responsibilities), such as using a specific health service or attending education. - CCTs with ’hard’ conditions (where non-compliance with conditions results in penalties) - CCTs with ’soft’ conditions (where non-compliance does not result in penalties)

5 Restrictions: Unrestricted: Cash can be used to meet any need. (cash in envelop, ATM cards, vouchers for cash, mobile money etc…) Restricted: Voucher can be used only for selected items/services. (e-vouchers, paper-vouchers, contract with health service provider etc…)

6 II – Cash-based Transfer Programming for WASH
Interventions designed to achieve WASH Objectives.

7 Indicators in HRP: Number of Households receiving cash transfers and or vouchers to meet water needs as per sector’s standard (Target: 10,000) Number of Households receiving cash transfers and or vouchers to meet their hygiene items needs including top-ups (Target: 10,000)

8 CTP for Hygiene Items and/or water needs:
Available studies on N.E Nigeria: ROAP (Response Option Analysis and Planning), September 2017 Activities: Distribution of restricted vouchers for hygiene items, including top-ups. (unconditional or conditional, restricted) Distribution of restricted vouchers for water (unconditional or conditional, restricted) Cash grants to water vendors to improve their equipment (conditional, restricted/unrestricted) To achieve WASH specific objectives, unrestricted & unconditional is not an option. Look at restrictions and conditionalities (could be cash, vouchers or a mix) Conditionality considerations: Attending Awareness raising / Hygiene promotion sessions For water vendors: submit improvement plan, verification of water quality before receiving the 2d tranche. Restriction considerations: - e-vouchers at specific and selected vendors / water vendors (enable control of the quality of goods by the organization).

9 Complementary activities:
Available studies on N.E Nigeria: ROAP (Response Option Analysis and Planning), September 2017 Maintenance of water infrastructure Monitoring and sensitization to water vendors of water quality (at source and during transportation) Supporting water traders’ association to enforce standards Awareness raising sessions on hygiene

10 Necessary activities for such interventions:
Market and water services assessments (e.g: availability of hygiene items) Development of contracts with selected water services companies Vulnerability assessment Analysis to identify delivery mechanism Develop M&E Risk assessment with mitigation measures : training to health service providers on their obligations, information of penalties/termination in case of fraud, communication to beneficiaries on their rights etc… In coordination with government development of national standards for emergency cash distribution, and coordination of cash/voucher programmes (e.g.: ToR of cash working group), Establishment of ad-hoc cash working group that aim to facilitate coordination on cash Communication and promotion

11 III- Multi-Purpose Cash Grant – WASH considerations

12 MPCG: Unrestricted and unconditional.
Objective: Improve access to Basic Needs. Necessity to do a Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) to have an estimate of the expenses of a household to set-up the transfer value. Look at monthly recurrent expenses (not one-off), that a household is likely to purchase.

13 WASH related expenses Items Quantity Unit Monthly Average WASH
MMC Jere Konduga Monthly Average WASH Water (water vendor fee, 20L jerrycan) 158.00 jerrycans 10.00 1,580.00 Bathing soap, 250 grams 3.00 pcs 178.57 156.67 200.00 535.24 Laundry soap, 200 grams 6.00 128.57 106.67 100.00 670.48 Sanitary pads (disposable, for adolescent girls) 1.00 pkt 1,340.33 1,310.60 512.50 1,054.48 Sub Total 1,657.47 1,583.94 822.50 3,840.20

14 MPCG can help in accessing the services or the item, but has no impact on the quality + no restriction on choice of provider, hence need for coordination/complementarity with WASH sector : Verify availability and quality of water in targeted communities Accompanying activities: Sensitization (etc… like in CTP) Expected outcome: improvement in access to water and hygiene items Monitoring: > % of beneficiary households reporting adequate access to water, as defined by Sphere standards > % of beneficiary households reporting adequate access to hygiene items

15 IV- How can the CWG work with the WASH Sector?
Proposition: Work with partners to develop Harmonized tools/guidelines for CTP (create a Task Team?) Look at Joint Market Price Monitoring for hygiene items Any other needs?

16 Resources for Cash and WASH
Market Analysis and impact measurement in CTP in the WASH and the Shelter sectors (CaLP, April 2016) Cash Transfers: What does the evidence say? (July 2016) UNHCR – Cash for Latrines. Cash and Vouchers – Implementation Manual (WFP) General: The CaLP (Cash Learning Partnership):

17 Contacts of the Cash Working Group:
Coordinator: Ayo Ajayi: Technical co-lead: Gabrielle Viat:

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