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Compiled by Renthea Smit

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1 Compiled by Renthea Smit
LIFE’S Principals Compiled by Renthea Smit

2 The LORD established general principals ,for
all people on earth, believers and non-believers.

3 Exodus20:12. Honour your father and mother.
Then you will live a long full life in the land your God is giving you.


5 Matthew 7:2 The standard you use in judging
Is the standard by which you will be judged

6 Matthew 7:5 First get rid of the log in your own eye
Then you will see well enough to deal with the speck In your friends eye

7 Matthew 6:21 Wherever your treasure is
There the desires of your heart will be

8 Proverb 10:9 People with integrity
Walk safely But those who follow crooked plans Will be exposed


10 Romans 11:25 God has mercy For everyone

11 2 Thessalonians 3:10 Those unwilling
To work will not eat

12 Galatians 6:7 You will always harvest What you plant

13 Genesis1:27 God create all human beings To His own image


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