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Environment Directorate

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1 Environment Directorate
David Harnett Energy Engineer Environment Directorate Milton Keynes Council Introduce myself. How long with MKC. Theme of the talk is how an authority can add value via the DEC process. Starting with putting things in context.

2 Milton Keynes Administrative Situation
Milton Keynes Council Unitary Authority since 1997 Population 227,000 (growing) Energy Spend £7m in 2008 Centralised energy management Procure for the majority of Council buildings Approx 300+ non domestic buildings Much of the stock now aging Unitary Authority since 1997 Population 227,000 in ‘07 and rising Also procure for Town Councils, community organisations etc. Non domestics above 1,000 kWh elec Much of the stock now needs replacement of heating / ventilating / electrical equipment – a product of rapid construction as a new town

3 On Carbon Trust Carbon Mgmt Programme Strategic Implementation Plan
Corporate Carbon Team On Carbon Trust Carbon Mgmt Programme Strategic Implementation Plan Carbon Team - 5 people Energy and Carbon Managers 2 Engineers + admin support New role – now includes climate change Additional resources sought Project board established 2004 with assistance from the Carbon Trust Carbon Strategic Implementation Plan agreed with the Carbon Trust and adopted by Council Additional human resources being sought – need to justify in current economic climate

4 Energy Efficiency - Funding
Little money for measures Initially coercion / clients own funds CT / 3rd party surveys on poorly performing corporate buildings Some free utility support via EEC Salix fund granted in 2007 Also Value For Money (Gershon) pot Initially concentrate on quick returns – Insulation / Lighting / Power perfector We awarded the first DISPLAY energy certificate in Europe (Wyvern School).

5 DEC’s – Preliminary activity
Team funding for DEC’s for MKC agreed late August 2008 opportunity to add value to DEC’s Schools major element (around 95) All sites surveyed for DEC+ARs None issued to date but imminent… Awareness will be raised of the importance of good housekeeping Granted contract in August Late in the day to get prepared, but internal discussion delayed our implementation Schools not used to loans and expect us (or Council) to fund efficiency measures. Fund value of £500k (£250k each). Also VFM at £500k VFM money by top slicing utility budgets Corporate buildings where we pay the bills Schools were not allowed to take on loans – we had to get rules changed.

6 Initial results from DEC surveys
Our initial results show a wide range of ratings; the best is a 60’s built primary school and the worst is a depot. The school’s data was checked and rechecked and is accurate! From this…… To this

7 Milestones – Emissions Data
Baseline emissions breakdown 33,000 tonnes of Carbon Target - 2.5% CO2 cut from 2004 by 2010 Difficulty setting % due to growth of MK (3% p.a.) Latest figures show overall increases based on 2007 Target set against average rise of 3% per annum due to expansion of city

8 Carbon Dashboard

9 Environment Directorate
Jeremy Draper Energy Manager Environment Directorate Milton Keynes Council

10 Energy Efficiency - Projects
Several Major collaborative projects; cRRescendo (funded by the EU Concerto initiative) Mains Gas Injection from biogas (UK Growth Area Funding) Electric Vehicle initiative – (UK ETI funding) CYBER/DISPLAY (EU Intelligent Energy programme) AND my day job – managing the day to day energy use of the council As a council we have a community leadership role to show the benefits of managing our own energy usage and carbon emissions. Funding is always in short supply and no less so in Milton Keynes for a variety of reasons.. With funding so tight, we have a history of looking for funding opportunities both in the UK and EU. Some success, ultimately worthwhile, but very time consuming. The Cyber/Display campaign is an important tool for us to use to communicate the importance of energy conservation in managing the carbon emissions of both the council and the wider community. Integrating, both the requirements of legislation and managing our portfolio of buildings in an energy efficient manner. Schools in particular are notoriously difficult to reach out to and the majority of them are interested in more than simple compliance. Our survey work to date has already resulted in a recognition of common themes – Improving fabric insulation, heating controls and on site energy awareness. To a lesser degree we have some demand for retrofit renewable technologies. This latter item is proving difficult to implement.

11 Changing emphasis within the council
In the beginning you paid your utility bills Then there was the Energy Manager Then the Sustainability/LA 21 Officer Then the Carbon Manager Now the Climate Change Team!

12 Initiative Overload More and more climate change related legislation Seek common purposes and methodology to reduce the administrative burden CYBER has common ground with UK EPB legislation, CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme, NI185 & 186 and CSR leadership.

13 Thankyou Now Lunch and Networking
Afternoon Session starts at 13:15 in this room Any questions?

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