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12 January 2016 Ms. Smith CCR English 10

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1 12 January 2016 Ms. Smith CCR English 10
Writer’s Notebook Propaganda 12 January Ms. Smith CCR English 10 I can evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric.

2 Emotional Appeal An appeal usually based on specific examples of suffering or potential threats, usually loaded with strong imagery and connotations.

3 Ethical Appeal An appeal based on shared moral values, calling upon the reader to uphold what is right and what society considers just.

4 Logical Appeal An appeal based upon what we can assume is true, supported by evidence such as surveys, data, and statistics.

5 Implicit A statement that is implied, rather than expressly stated.

6 Explicit Fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leaving nothing merely implied.

7 Details SUMMARIZING PARAPHRASING Main ideas Length varies
Your own words About same length as original

8 PLAIN FOLKS: We are persuaded to buy a product or believe in an idea because everyday people use it or believe in it. Video: Oreos

9 REPETITION: Advertisers persuade consumers to buy a product or believe in an idea because the name of the product or idea is repeated over and over.

10 BAIT AND SWITCH: We are persuaded to buy a product that attracts us, but something else is offered when we arrive at the store.

11 LOADED LANGUAGE: We are persuaded to buy a product or believe in an idea because the wording attempts to influence us because of a strong connotation or mental image. Ask "gun control advocates" to describe what this debate is about, and they'll say "control" really isn't the word they prefer. "We find that it's one of those terms that has some baggage," says Mark Glaze, director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns. "We talk about gun violence prevention, because that's what it is.“ "Gun control" suggests big government telling Americans what to do. "Violence prevention" — well, that's something everybody could support in theory.

12 EMOTIONAL: We are persuaded to buy a product or believe in an idea because our emotions have been played upon. Video: SPCA

13 NAME-CALLING: It is the use of language or words that carry a negative connotation when describing a product, person, or idea. Video: Mac vs.. PC and Sony vs. Xbox

14 CIRCULAR REASONING: A faulty reasoning where the writer restates something in other words without offering valid evidence. Video: Seinfeld and State Farm

15 EITHER-OR-FALLACY: A faulty reasoning technique that claims there are only two possible alternatives.

16 Wednesday Propaganda Thursday Friday SSR / Novel Case File
Homework Wednesday Propaganda Thursday Friday SSR / Novel Case File Grammar Booklets: Remember that it is 10% off for each day it is late. Because we do not have school on Monday, Tuesday (1/19) will be the last day that I take anyone’s work.

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