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Roots and Prefixes Visual aids.

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Presentation on theme: "Roots and Prefixes Visual aids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roots and Prefixes Visual aids

2 RPS #3 Pre, Scrib, Mon, De, Micro, Capit, Ali, Fer

3 Pre Meaning Examples in other words before precede

4 Pre Meaning Examples in other words before precede

5 Pre

6 Examples in other words
Mon Meaning Examples in other words warn, remind monument, admonition, monitor, premonition

7 Mon

8 Mon

9 Examples in other words
Micro Meaning Examples in other words small, millionth microscope, microfilm, microcard, microwave, micrometer, microvolt

10 Micro

11 Micro head of a maggot under microscope

12 Examples in other words
ali, allo, alter Meaning Examples in other words other alias, alibi, alien, alloy, alter, alter ego, altruism

13 ali, allo, alter

14 Examples in other words
Scrib, script Meaning Examples in other words write scribe, scribble, inscribe, describe, subscribe, prescribe, manuscript

15 Scrib, script

16 Scrib, script

17 Examples in other words
de Meaning Examples in other words from, down, away, to do the opposite, reverse, against detach, deploy, derange, decrease, deodorize, devoid, deflate, degenerate

18 de

19 decapitate, capital, captain, caption
Meaning Examples in other words head decapitate, capital, captain, caption

20 capit

21 capit

22 Examples in other words
Fer Meaning Examples in other words bear, carry ferry, coniferous, fertile, defer, infer, refer, transfer

23 Fer

24 Fer

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