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VU Ba Phu (Mr.) Minister Counsellor Head of Commercial Section Vietnam Embassy in Belgium and EU.

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Presentation on theme: "VU Ba Phu (Mr.) Minister Counsellor Head of Commercial Section Vietnam Embassy in Belgium and EU."— Presentation transcript:

1 VU Ba Phu (Mr.) Minister Counsellor Head of Commercial Section Vietnam Embassy in Belgium and EU


3 Located on the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia, Vietnam has a long land border of 4,550 km and a long coastline of 3,260 km; Capital: Hanoi Area: 331.968km 2 Population: 89.5 millions (2011) Three quarters of the territory are low mountains and hilly regions; the soil is highly fertile, favorable for agriculture and forestry; 6/11/2012

4 Vietnam is a politically stable system 6/11/2012

5 Consistent policy for peace, friendship, cooperation and development; of independence, self-reliance, diversification and multilateralisation of relations, pro-active international integration; Vietnam aims to be a reliable friend and responsible partner of the international community; Vietnam is member of ASEAN, APEC, ASEM, WTO, UN, and others. 6/11/2012

6 Vietnam embarked on reforms (Đi Mi) for more than 2 decades, achieved enormous progresses in socio-economic developments; 2011: Total GDP: US$123.6 billion, Real GDP growth rate: 5.9%, GDP per capita: US$1,392 comparing to US$3,676 of ASEAN on average, Export value: US$95.2 billion, Import value: US$104.5 billion, Vietnam has become become world´s major exporter of rice, coffee, textiles, crude oil. 6/11/2012

7 GDP growth rate 2006 - 2011: 6/11/2012

8 Top 10 exports of Vietnam (the first 6 months of 2012) US$ billion: 1. Textile and clothing 6.8 (>15) 2. Shoes and footwear 3.5 (>9) 3. Sea produce2.8 (>7) 4. Crude oil 3.7 (>9) 5. Electronics3.3 (>8) 6. Wood furniture2.1 (>5) 7. Rice 1.7 (>5) 8. Precious stones 2.82 (>6) 9. Machineries2.6 (>6) 10. Rubber 1.2 (>3) 6/11/2012

9 Five major markets for Vietnam´s exports: 1. USA 24.44% 2. EU 19.55% 3. ASEAN 17.77% 4. Japan 13.27% 5. China 12.55% 6/11/2012

10 ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) was founded on August 8 th, 1967 from five founders: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand; Later admitted: Brunei: 1984 Vietnam: 1995 Laos and Myanmar: 1997 Cambodia: 1999. 6/11/2012

11 To become one of the most dynamic economic forum in the world: Area: 4.5 million square kilometers; Population: over 575 million; Total annual GDP generation: US$1,281 billion; Total export value: US$750 billion; Global leading supplier of rubber: 90% of the worlds volume; timber (60%) as well as rice, sugar, and pineapples; Industrial products: textiles, electronics, consumer products are penetrating the world market. 6/11/2012

12 Full member: Vietnam became a full member of ASEAN on 28 July 1995. Joined the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in 1995 and became one of the founders of the forum; Over the past 17 years, Vietnam has actively and proactively taken part in ASEAN cooperation; Vietnam accelerated the admission of Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia to ASEAN; Made active contribution to maintaining solidarity in the bloc, pushing the roadmap to build ASEAN Community and implement the ASEAN Charter. 6/11/2012

13 3 years after accession: Vietnam successfully hosted the 6 th ASEAN Summit in Hanoi in December 1998; Helped ASEAN consolidate solidarity and its international position amidst the impact of Asian financial crisis 1997; Ratified the Hanoi Plan of Action in 1997 to realise ASEAN Vision 2020; July 2000 - 2001: Presidency of the ASEAN Standing Committee (ASC); Successfully hosted the 34 th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM) and related meetings and the 23 rd General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Organisation (AIPO) in 2002. 6/11/2012

14 2010: Successfully performed the presidency of ASEAN for the second time: organised 16 th ASEAN Summit in Hanoi in April 2010 and ministerial level meetings and other related meetings in Hanoi in July 2010; 2011: From January – June: successfully performed the role of Chairman for ASEAN - Brussels Sub - Committee on Trade: gathered ASEAN commercial counsellors to meet and exchange information on trade relation with EU; From June – December: successfully completed the role of Chairman for ASEAN – Brussels Committee: hosted meetings for ASEAN Ambassadors to exchange information on each members relation to EU and other visit activities. 6/11/2012

15 Vietnam signed the Protocol for the accession of to the Agreement on the Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme CEPT for the ASEAN FREE TRADE AREA (AFTA) on 15 December, 1995 during the fifth ASEAN summit in Bangkok; On 1 January 1996, Vietnam implemented her first package for CEPT scheme. 6/11/2012

16 Vietnam actively engaged in multilateral free trade agreement between ASEAN and other countries, namely: ASEAN – China Free Trade Area: signed on 5/11/2002; ASEAN – Japan Free Trade Area: signed on 8/10/2003; ASEAN – India Free Trade Area: signed on 8/10/2003, amended on 13/8/2009; ASEAN – Republic of Korea Free Trade Area: signed on 13/12/2005; ASEAN – Australia New Zealand Free Trade Area: signed on 27/2/2009. 6/11/2012

17 ASEAN membership has enabled Vietnam to step up cooperation with its ASEAN partners, especially the bigger countries, while participating more in inter- regional or international cooperation framework. These include ASEAN+3, the East Asia Summit (EAS), the Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC Forum); Enabled Vietnam to gain real socio-cultural and commercial-economic benefits, which have aided the countrys socio-economic development. 6/11/2012

18 Gained access to scientific and technological advances and modern methods of management plus enhanced institutional capacity; Enabled Vietnam to attract more foreign investment capital and given access to other markets, both regionally and globally. In the first 6 months of 2012, among ASEAN countries, Singapore is the biggest investor in Vietnam (US$23.3 billion), followed by Malaysia (US$11.3 billion), Thailand (US$5.9 billion) and Brunei (US$4.8 billion). 6/11/2012

19 With EU: Vietnam signed Partnership Cooperation Agreement (PCA) with EU on 25 th of June, 2012; Vietnam is the 3 rd country in ASEAN to start FTA negotiation with EU (after Singapore and Malaysia). First round was held in Hanoi on 8 th October, 2012 with positive outcomes; An important economic partner of EU since the economic structures of Vietnam and EU are complementary with each other; Ahead of other countries in ASEAN in commencing FTA negotiation. 6/11/2012

20 WITH THE US: Vietnam is an important economic partner of the US; Vietnam joined TPP (Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement) negotiation right from the first round in March 2010 in Australia; Other ASEAN countries: Brunei and Singapore, Malaysia (joined from the 3 rd round). 6/11/2012

21 As an integral part of ASEAN, Vietnam continues to play an important role to closely work with its partners to ensure a brighter future for ASEAN and drive ASEAN into a new stage of development, leading to an ASEAN Economic Community by 2015. 6/11/2012


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