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Implementation of quality indicators in STS

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1 Implementation of quality indicators in STS
Quality WG, 6 December 2016

2 Objective To monitor through a limited set of quality indicators a few key data quality aspects of STS time series complementing the existing data compliance assessments.

3 e-TF set up To work out 3-5 indicators to be prioritised
To provide additional guidance on the calculation To discuss principles and timetable for implementation

4 Criteria for the quality indicators
Relevance for the STS PEEIs Feasibility to be produced on a regular basis at both national and EU level Meaningfulness for both producers and users

5 Prioritised quality indicators
The same revision policy applied to STS data released nationally and transmitted to Eurostat Mean Absolute Revision (MAR) Mean Revision (MR) Coefficient of variation Data availability for first results => Unit non- response rate for first releases

6 The same revision policy…
A qualitative indicator To ensure coherence in disseminated national data and European data Precondition: a revision policy in place The revision policy needs to be described "ESS guidelines on revision policy for PEEIs" Part of the STS metadata enrichment in 2015

7 MAR and MR For all STS PEEIs (except Prices)
Growth rates for original data series (YoY) Growth rates for calendar/ working day adjusted (YoY) Breakdown: only TOTALs Reference periods: 20 values for quarterly data and 36 for monthly data "Latest value" in the year T ESMS reports: Dec or Q4 year T. Eurostat proposal: to provide also the MaxAR

8 MAR and MR

9 Coefficient of variation
Only for Retail Trade when possible (if probability sampling used) To be provided for estimates of turnover Activity breakdown: only TOTALs Temporal breakdown: twelve monthly CV in the reference year T ESMS report Part of the STS metadata enrichment in 2016

10 Unit non-response for first releases
Proposal: to replace data availability for first estimates For all STS PEEIs (except Prices) Size weighted unit non-response rate Non-response = no information or not usable information Weighting variable: turnover or other variable(s) known for the whole population Breakdown: only TOTALs Reference period: Q2 for quarterly data and June for monthly data in the reference year T ESMS report.

11 Implementation of the QI's - principles
The STS ESMS files should be the source To be included in the ESMS files for year T updated in April year T+1 The additional guidelines to be included in the Vademecum on STS National Reference Metadata MS's responsible for providing QI's for their national data sent to Eurostat and Eurostat responsible for providing QI's for the European aggregates The annual quality monitoring should be presented to the STS WG

12 Implementation of the QI's - timetable
Metadata reporting year Metadata Type STS quality indicators 2017 Descriptive The same revision policy applied to STS data released nationally and transmitted to Eurostat. 2018 Quantitative Coefficient of variation (if applicable) MAR and MR for the STS PEEIs on Construction. MAR and MR for the STS PEEIs on Industry. 2020 Unit non-response for first releases 2020+ MAR and RMAR for the STS PEEIs on Retail Trade and Services.

13 Conclusions The STS WG Nov approved the set of prioritised quality indicators (with MaxAR only to be included as a complementary indicator if considered useful). The STS WG Nov agreed to the proposed timetable and principles for the implementation of the STS quality indicators.

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