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Chapter 17 Digestive System

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1 Chapter 17 Digestive System
Functions of Digestive System ingestion mechanical digestion chemical digestion propulsion absorption defecation 17-2

2 Major Organs 17-3

3 Alimentary Canal 17-4

4 Alimentary Canal Wall 17-5

5 Movements of the Tube mixing movements peristalsis 17-6

6 1. Mouth ingestion mechanical digestion
prepares food for chemical digestion 17-8

7 Palate roof of oral cavity 17-10

8 Primary Teeth 8 incisors 4 cuspids 8 molars 17-11

9 Secondary Teeth 17-12

10 2. Salivary Glands 17-14

11 Secretions of Salivary Glands
Parotid glands clear water, serous fluid rich in amylase Sublingual glands primarily mucus most viscous Submandibular glands primarily serous fluid some mucus 17-15

12 Swallowing Mechanism soft palate and uvula raise
hyoid bone and larynx elevate epiglottis closes off top of trachea longitudinal muscles of pharynx contract inferior constrictor muscles relax and esophagus opens peristaltic waves push food through pharynx 17-17

13 3. Esophagus 17-19

14 4. Stomach 17-20

15 Lining of Stomach 17-22

16 Gastric Secretions pepsinogen from chief cells inactive form of pepsin
mucus from goblet cells and mucous glands protective to stomach wall pepsin from pepsinogen in presence of HCl protein splitting enzyme intrinsic factor from parietal cells required for vitamin B12 absorption hydrochloric acid from parietal cells needed to convert pepsinogen to pepsin 17-23

17 Phases of Gastric Secretion
Cephalic phase triggered by smell, taste, sight, or thought of food parasympathetic impulses trigger gastric juice secretion Gastric phase triggered by presence of food in stomach gastrin released gastric juice secreted Intestinal phase triggered by movement of food into small intestine intestinal cells release intestinal gastrin secretion of gastric juice 17-24

18 Gastric Absorption some water certain salts
certain lipid-soluble drugs alcohol 17-26

19 Mixing and Emptying Actions

20 5. Three Parts of Small Intestine

21 Mesentery suspends portions of the small intestine from the posterior abdominal wall 17-40

22 Intestinal Villus 17-41

23 Wall of Small Intestine

24 Secretions of Small Intestine
peptidase – breaks down peptides into amino acids sucrase, maltase, lactase – break down disaccharides into monosaccharides lipase – breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol enterokinase – converts trypsinogen to trypsin somatostatin – hormone that inhibits acid secretion by stomach cholecystokinin – hormone that inhibits gastric glands, stimulates pancreas to release enzymes in pancreatic juice, stimulates gallbladder to release bile secretin – stimulates pancreas to release bicarbonate ions in pancreatic juice 17-44

25 Regulation of Small Intestinal Secretions
mucus secretion stimulated by presence of chyme in small intestine distension of intestinal wall activates nerve plexuses in wall of small intestine parasympathetics trigger release of intestinal enzymes 17-45

26 Absorption in the Small Intestine
monosaccharides and amino acids through facilitated diffusion and active transport absorbed into blood electrolytes and water through diffusion, osmosis, and active transport absorbed into blood 17-46

27 Absorption in the Small Intestine
fatty acids and glycerol several steps absorbed into lymph and blood 17-47

28 Movements of the Small Intestine
mixing movements peristalsis – pushing movements segmentation – ringlike contractions overdistended wall triggers peristaltic rush resulting in diarrhea 17-48

29 6. Large Intestine 17-49

30 Functions of Large Intestine
little or no digestive function absorbs water and electrolytes secretes mucus houses intestinal flora forms feces carries out defecation 17-51

31 Movements of Large Intestine
slower and less frequent than those of small intestine mixing movements peristalsis mass movements usually follow meals 17-52

32 Feces water electrolytes mucus bacteria
bile pigments altered by bacteria provide color smell produced by bacterial compounds 17-53

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