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Katherine McMahon (she/her/hers) Babson College

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Presentation on theme: "Katherine McMahon (she/her/hers) Babson College"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflections From The Frontlines: Strategies Implemented and Learned From A Crisis Driven Year
Katherine McMahon (she/her/hers) Babson College Kevin Araujo-Lipine (he/him/his) Ryan Travia (he/him/his) Babson College Monday, March 5, Salon H- Marriott Downtown

2 Agenda Overview of Babson College Historical Context of CARE Model
Case Study Exercise Our Reflections How We Defined Success Wrap Up and Reflections Questions? Katherine can go over agenda and general outline for the group

3 Overview of Babson College
Small Elite Private Institution in Wellesley, MA Primary area of focus in Entrepreneurship 2400 Undergraduate students 1000 Graduate students Hub locations in: Boston, Miami, San Francisco Roughly 1900 undergraduate and graduate residential students Undergraduate Class of 2021 Demographics: 550 students 52% Women 45% US Students of Color 28% International Students KM- describe the overview of everything

4 Historical Context of Campus Assessment, Response, & Evaluation (CARE) Team
Functions as a hybrid “Students of Concern” and “Behavioral Intervention Team” Underwent extensive internal/external review in summer 2016 Led to significant structural and systematic changes to include: reviewing/updating membership, bolstering training of primary and secondary members, creating new triage team model, and using multiple case managers Two strategic goals: (1) Increase transparency and (2) Extend reporting opportunities Chaired by Associate Dean of Student for Wellness Members include: Student Life, Counseling Services, Residence Education, Academic Services, Community Standards, and Public Safety Ryan- Go through the overview and historical context of the team, share what that looked like and how it came about. KAL- provide any historical context beyond what RT has shared.

5 CARE - Process to Outcome
Student-Leader Training: RAs, Peer Mentors, FME Mentors, Peers On Wellness Staff Training: Class Deans, Department of Athletics & Recreation, FYS Instructors, Residence Education, International & Multicultural Education, Health Promotion, Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Services Faculty Training: All 10 academic divisions and new faculty orientation More seamless integration with on-call system, student conduct, Title IX, and Maxient Outcomes: From August 1, 2016 – July 31, 2017, received 391 CARE Reports, an increase of 146% from AY16 (159 reports) and 168% from AY15 (146 reports) KAL- Share feedback on student leader training. KM can chime in with any points RT- Share info about faculty & staff training, and outcomes from this

6 Case Study A Snapshot Of The Year
Fall Semester: 1 completed suicide, 1 Bias Incident that affected our campus and a neighbor campus, attracted major alumni feedback, made national headlines, went viral on social media, significant increase in CARE reports Student support and campus resources were being utilized to support students affected through the Spring semester Spring Semester: 3 student deaths within a three week timespan Part I- Where This Begins (Spring 2017) Six days prior, a scholar-athlete, sorority woman, and largely recognized leader, loses year-long battle to cancer While managing the aftermath of this student passing, you are notified via our On Call System during the early hours of a Sunday morning that a student has taken their life off-campus Student involved is a well known residential student, a member of a varsity athletics team, and the friends were the reporting parties Part II- What We Did (12-24 Hours) Family Notification Wellness Staff brought to campus Immediate support of reporting students Team Notifications/Professional Staff Notification Partnership with Athletics Residence Education Staff support Notification to President’s Office KM- Introduce first part of the case study. How it will go, what we want participants to be reviewing. Provide the snapshot of the year Part I- Ryan and Kevin can share the introduction of this Part II- Ryan and Kevin can share high level overview of the events, KM can share RA staff notifications, response for student support in that way.

7 Case Study (Cont.) Part III- The Week After (1 day-6 days out)
VP notifies community that another student has passed, six days after a notification for another student had been communicated Identified immediate CARE check-ins for staff to manage Partner with Athletics to provide support to all teams given how close these incidents occurred Collect follow-up notes from CARE meetings Determine what follow-up is needed going into the next week Part IV- The Long Term (1 week onward) Continued check-ins with students pre and post funerals for the two students Planning for the summer, how can students receive support away from campus? How can students prepare for the Fall semester as well? Continue partnership with Athletics and CARE constituents to support students, faculty, and staff in managing this What would you need to manage this? How is your structure designed to support this volume of management? How do you support student staff, professional staff, and each other? What items stand out as the most critical? Part III- Ryan and KAL share high level CARE team items. Ryan can discuss as the chair what had to be managed, how teams were mobilized. KAL shares about collecting notes, supporting ADs who were doing check-ins. KM can share check-ins with residents and what they looked like. Part IV-

8 Our Reflections Caseload/Workload and how this impacted our day-to-day experiences Determination of what current work items needed to be prioritized, managed, or set aside Impact to supervision and what our roles were during that time Documentation, communication, and everything in between Increased the need to include additional campus partners in the check-ins and support beyond our current structure Transitioning from crisis management to case management Utilization of resources for professional staff members Our personal reflections; what we learned, what we gained, what we left behind

9 How We Measured The Success of Our CARE Model
Number of staff contacts with students Support provided to all parties involved Checks and balances within the system to ensure all students were cared for Keep the involvement of student staff in our model Partnerships with students and parents/guardians to support students Feedback from students and staff about trainings and response Increase in the number of student leader reports that we received Speaks to an increase in awareness of resources

10 Questions and Contact Info Katherine McMahon, Area Director, Babson College Kevin Araujo-Lipine, Former Director of Residence Education, Babson College Ryan Travia, Associate Dean of Students for Wellness, Babson College

11 Thank you for joining us today!
Please remember to complete your online evaluation following the conference. See you in Los Angeles in 2019!

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