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Ad Hoc Team on Sustainable Development Goals (AHT SDG)

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Presentation on theme: "Ad Hoc Team on Sustainable Development Goals (AHT SDG)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ad Hoc Team on Sustainable Development Goals (AHT SDG)
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Ad Hoc Team on Sustainable Development Goals (AHT SDG) Alex Held, CSIRO, AHT SDG Co-lead & SIT Vice Chair Marc Paganini, ESA, AHT SDG Co-lead Flora Kerblat, CSIRO, AHT SDG Executive Secretary CEOS 2018 SIT Technical Workshop Session and Agenda Item #4.2 EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany 13 – 14 September 2018

2 Background AHT SDG History CEOS 30th Plenary, Oct 2016: creation of the Ad Hoc Team on SDGs (AHT SDG) for a year CEOS 31st Plenary, Oct 2017: renewal for another year CEOS 32nd Plenary, Oct 2018: future of the AHT SDG to be decided. (5 options provided by AHT SDG at CEOS SIT-33 for discussion and decision at CEOS 32 Plenary) AHT SDG Leadership 2 current co-leads : CSIRO (A. Held), ESA (M. Paganini), + support & coordination from CSIRO (F. Kerblat, but currently on maternity leave) Need to find a new 3rd “Americas” co-lead. Interest for new co-leads ? AHT SDG Membership Today ~40 members (mailing list), including associate members (e.g. UN OOSA) AHT SDG meetings since 31st CEOS Plenary: Side-meeting in Rapid City, CEOS 31st Plenary, Oct 2017 Regular co-leads or team conference call meetings as well as AHT SDG – GEO EO4SDG bilateral Side-meeting in Boulder, CEOS SIT-33, 23rd April 2018 Participation to key SDG meetings with AHT SDG presence: GEO Plenary (Oct 2017, DC); 5th HLF on UN GGIM (Nov 2017, Mexico), UNSC-49 (March 2018, NYC); GPSDD Data for Development Festival (March 2018, Bristol), HLPF 2018 (July 2018, NYC), 8th session UN GGIM (Aug 2018, NYC) focus its activities around the unique role that CEOS should play as a coordination body of the Space community efforts to support the integration of satellite EO in support to the full realisation of the SDGs. take stock of the UN processes in place for the SDG implementation and of the existing SDG stakeholders (including GEO),

3 CEOS Work Plan ( ) 3.9 Support to Other Key Stakeholder Initiatives I. Promote the use of satellite data in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development : The Ad Hoc Team will continue to: Support GEO in its SDG-related initiatives, mainly through the EO4SDG (“Earth Observation for Sustainable Development Goals” initiative): capacity building, training and communications materials, country engagement, forum to share best practices on EO data and SDG, and EO4SDG website content. Collect and centralize information from individual CEOS Agency work programmes relevant to SDGs: building on a Compendium database, with regular updates sent within CEOS contacts to collect more accurate information. Promote space-based EO data as a key source of data for use by national statistic offices (NSOs) to monitor and report on specific SDG indicators, and encourage CEOS space agencies to proactively contact their national governments in the Voluntary National Review process. Identify areas where SDG indicator development work has the potential to result in broader applicability (e.g. supporting the SDG / target, and sustainable development policies) Develop activities – including capacity building - with external stakeholders (GEO, NGOs, UN entities, development banks) to join the efforts in the space world to help monitor and achieve the SDGs. Develop communications material (brochure, website content) with SEO team’s support to better inform CEOS space agencies and external stakeholders about the critical role of EO space data in the SDG process.

4 Objective/Deliverable Background Information
CEOS Work Plan ( ) Objective/Deliverable Completion Date Background Information Responsible CEOS Entity SDG-2: Compile and maintain a compendium of CEOS Agencies engagement on SDGs Q3 2018 Compendium compilation ongoing but still largely incomplete. Compendium planned to be presented at CEOS 32 Plenary CEOS agencies to designate PoC and to list their activities on SDGs (in particular on national collaborations) AHT SDG SDG-3: Review and assess the contribution of EO to the SDG Targets and Indicators. Produce a compendium and policy brief. Ongoing, output of ESA EO4SDGs project (KO in April 2018) in-depth assessment of the EO contribution to the SDG targets and indicators with 2 outputs: Compendium + Policy brief. First draft completed – 2 levels of EO contribution - Fact sheets external review by EO4SDG & AHT SDG in October. => 1st version to be presented at CEOS 32 plenary (after CEOS /GEO review) SDG-4: CEOS engagement plan on SDGs Ongoing - CEOS Engagement priorities currently being defined Engagement priorities to be finalised and presented at CEOS Plenary (with proposal on future of AHT SDG) Depends on CEOS/GEO alignment of activities and prioritization of AHT tasks CB-19: Collaborate with SDG-AHT to identify SDG-related training and capacity building opportunities related to space-based EO and meeting the challenges of the 2030 Agenda Q4 2018 WGCapD will work closely with the AHT SDGs (in support to GEO to promote EO in SDGs monitoring and reporting), identify, plan, and ultimately implement SDG-related training and capacity building activities Awareness webinar to CEOS and associated community Start with 2 mature indicators (water) and (Urban) AHT member as a liaison with WGCapD WGCapD

5 Actions from CEOS SIT 33 (33-02) The SDG AHT will explore a CEOS expression of interest for participation in the GEO Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) activity. (33-11) Lifecycle plans for the AHTs SIT-33-02 SDG AHT Explore a CEOS expression of interest for participation in the GEO Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) activity and provide language to the LDN Initiative Team Leads that can be included in the Initiative proposal expressing CEOS Agency interest and support.  assist the UNCCD with the provision and deployment of EO datasets, country support, capacity building, and EO tools and platforms so that countries can effectively monitor and report on SDG indicator LDN sub-team created under AHT SDG CEOS leads the EO science of the GEO LDN Initiative Lead by CSIRO (Neil Sims) and ESA (Marc Paganini) with support from SANSA, INPE and NASA. ToR of the GEO LDN Initiative currently defined. Rationale: CEOS has been asked to commit to the GEO LDN activity. SIT recognized that LDN is the first time a UN institution reached out to GEO for assistance on the SDGs. SIT 33-11 SIT Chair Include CEOS Ad hoc Team lifecycle and processes as an agenda item on 2018 SIT Technical Workshop.  5 options for SDH AHT evolution proposed at SIT-33 Pros and cons of each options discussed Preferred solution: a solid or “permanent” structure dedicated to the SDGs SIT Chair has proposed that CEOS address inconsistencies in the operation of different types of groups across the structure.

6 AHT SDG Implementation Plan Key activities
Compile a compendium of CEOS Agencies’ engagement on SDGs Define a coherent CEOS engagement plan on SDGs Coordinate CEOS support to GEO-led SDG activities Review and assess the contribution of EO to the SDG Targets and Indicators Foster the added-value of EO data in the SDG monitoring and reporting process Facilitate uptake of EO by SDG stakeholders Conduct impactful communication & outreach activities on EO for SDGs

7 Examples of tangible outputs
CEOS Earth Observation Handbook on SDGs: Officially released in March 2018, at the 49th Session of the UN Statistical Commission 6-9 March 2018 (NYC) at a side-event “Statistical-Geospatial Integration Forum” (integrating statistical, geospatial, and other Big Data to leave no one behind)” Hard copies are widely distributed to CEOS members and in SDG events Vey well received by the SDG community - High visibility for CEOS. GEO/CEOS at UN High Level Political Forum 2018 on SD: Theme: “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies”. Australia organised a special side-event on the use of Earth observations and SDGs at the UN Headquarters, followed by two hands-on workshops (Financing and Priority)) at the Permanent Mission of Australia UN-OOSA Exhibit ‘Space for Sustainable Development’ with CEOS Agencies input GEO/CEOS special issues in scientific journals RSE Special Issue on “'Earth Observation for the Sustainable Development Goals” (UNSW, CSIRO, NASA, GEO) RS Special Issue on "EO Solutions to Support Countries Implementing the SDGs (ITC, ESA, NASA, SANSA) Australia (DEA and Open Data Cube) Canada Greece Namibia Switzerland Viet Nam

8 Examples of tangible outputs

9 GEO/CEOS alignment Activities Candidate Lead Contribution to IAEG-SDG Working Group on Geospatial Information (WGGI) Joint contribution to the WGGI Task Stream on “Application of EO data for the SDG indicators” Sweden, Colombia, UN GGIM (secretariat) Interactions with UN specialized agencies (custodian of SDG indicators) participation to UN expert groups on SDG indicators (methodological development, pilot cases, Capacity building)) GEO/CEOS EO mainstreaming in country processes and systems (NSOs and line ministries) GEO EO value for the SDG targets and indicators Joint analysis of EO contribution to SDGs to be communicated following an agreed template. Collect EO best case practices Capacity building Activities Candidate Lead EO enabling infrastructures for SDGs (EO platforms, data cubes and toolboxes) CEOS Data Cube deployment for SDG indicators – not prescriptive CEOS Satellite Analysis Read Data (ARD) for the SDGs EO long term data continuity For SDG indicators baseline (legacy data) and regular future reporting EO Data products validation / standardization / certification EO Promotion and Outreach in the SDG community GEO EO4SDG Awards to be announced at the GEO Plenary & rolled out in 2019 Develop EO4SDG Portal into a SDG interactive knowledge resource (long term objective) GEO & CEOS

10 Improve collaboration with WGs, VCs and AHTs
There are synergies with activities undertaken under VCs (LSI), AHTs (GFOI, GEOGLAM, FDA), WGs (WGCV, WGCapD, WGISS) and SEO that must be better exploited by the AHT SDG. The AHT will initiate a CEOS-level assessment/mapping of which VCs/WGs/AHTs are/could address each of the relevant SDG target/indicator which VCs/WGs/AHTs are/could address SDG cross-cutting activities (data access, data cubes tailoring for SDGs, on-line platforms for SDGs) And assess the sustainability of their efforts. Similar approach to GEO EO4SDG engaging with GEO thematic initiatives (e.g. GEOGLAM, Aquawatch, Blue Planet, GEO Wetlands, Human Planet Initiative) Examples of AHT collaboration with WGs/VCs/AHTs: EO enabling infrastructures: SEO on Open data Cube (already happening) Capacity Building: WGCapD (collaboration under discussion) Data: WGISS work on data discovery and access (SDG Client Portal) SDG 14: Across-CEOS Coastal strategy assessment and potential new Coastal AHT SDG 2: GEOGLAM AHT collaboration on (sustainable agriculture)

11 Future outlook of the AHT SDG:
Options for discussion Option 1: Continue as an AHT, requesting renewal for another year at Plenary, and continue to use Agencies’ best efforts to support UN and GEO mainstreaming EO in the SDG processes (new co-leads?); Option 2: Continue as an AHT to ONLY act as a CEOS point of contact for external users, without undertaking new activities, and forward all specific requests to VC/WGs; Option 3: ‘Graduate’ and become a CEOS Working Group with a more formal work plan, governance system and reporting mechanisms, and therefore more sustained efforts and support (= commitment) from CEOS and WG/VC members to implement the work plan; Option 4: Consider what the AHT SDG achieved, and still needs to be done from a CEOS perspective, and phase out the AHT with transfer of all AHT activities to GEO EO4SDG (including CEOS Agencies support) Option 5: Transform the AHT into an “SDG Strategy” (given its cross-cutting essence, following the “Carbon Strategy” path), with a solid work plan and coordination body to map SDG activities to existing CEOS resources (VC, WG, etc) and continue being the “SDG space arm” focal point for GEO

12 AHT Future Options Options Pros Cons Option 1
Continue as an AHT (best efforts) CEOS still recognised as key partner by the SDG community to mainstream the use of satellite information in the 2030 agenda. AHT would work with a light structure. AHTs are meant to have short term objectives. For how long? What next? Will need to restrict the AHT activities to a number of prioritized deliverables. Option 2 Continue as an AHT (minimum efforts) act as a CEOS point of contact Ad-Hoc Team reduced to the bare minimum Minimum efforts on CEOS (both on AHT and VCs/WGs). CEOS role will be minimised and impact will be marginal. would not respond to the objectives of an AHT according to CEOS Governance and Processes. Maintaining a “quasi permanent” AHT as a CEOS point of contact do not justify the AHT continuation. Option 3 Become a CEOS Working Group with a permanent structure High Visibility for CEOS Maximize impact for CEOS Agencies Would be the 3rd thematic Working Groups (with Climate and Disaster) responding to the 3 top priorities of GEO and main Global Societal Agendas. Needs a stronger engagement from the CEOS agencies, Will require formal work plan, governance system and reporting mechanisms, Imply more sustained efforts and support (= commitment) from most CEOS bodies (collaborative framework across CEOS). Option 4 Phase out the AHT with transfer of all AHT activities to GEO EO4SDG No efforts required by CEOS. CEOS Agencies will still participate but individually under the GEO coordination GEO EO4SDG does not have the resources to address all issues related to the adoption of EO solutions for the SDGs CEOS role will totally disappear. Option 5 Transform the AHT into an “SDG Strategy” (given its cross-cutting essence) Involvement of all CEOS structures (VCs, WGs, AHTs) under the supervision of a CEOS coordination body. Singularity in the CEOS Governance structure / unclear processes on how this can work. CEOS existing working processes might not be efficient and responsive on GEO requests for support.

13 Proposal for long term future
Starting from 2020 Important for CEOS to have a solid or “permanent” structure dedicated to the SDGs Would be the 3rd thematic Working Groups within CEOS (with Climate and Disaster) responding to the 3 top priorities of GEO and the main Global Societal Agendas. Mission: Enabling the integration of satellite observations in the Agenda on Sustainable Development, for the benefit of all countries, leaving no one behind, and maximizing CEOS agencies return on investment. Priorities should be assigned to specific activities where CEOS and its agencies can bring tangible support. It must be determined however whether this permanent structure has the critical mass of membership and resources to do so. Involvement of all relevant CEOS bodies (VCs, WGs, AHTs) is key to success.

14 Thanks! SDG Co-leads: currently including
CSIRO: and ESA: Communications:

15 AHT SDG Background and Context

16 In the complex and evolving SDG environment, the AHT SDG shall:
CEOS AHT SDG: Terms of Reference (ToR) In the complex and evolving SDG environment, the AHT SDG shall: take stock of the UN processes in place for the SDG implementation and of the existing SDG stakeholders (including GEO), focus its activities around the unique role that CEOS should play as a coordination body of the Space community efforts to support the integration of satellite EO in support to the full realisation of the SDGs. The AHT SDG can’t progress alone but shall rely on existing networks/partnerships: AHT SDG aligns its engagement in the context of (Programme Board, Engagement Strategy, GEO EO4SDG initiative) AHT SDG builds on established relationships CEOS Agencies have with the UN agencies, individual countries (national statistics & line ministries), and other SDG stakeholders (including development banks & aid agencies).

17 CEOS AHT SDG – ToRs (summary):
CEOS AHT SDG: Terms of Reference (ToR) The AHT SDG shall assess, showcase and promote EO contribution to SDG Targets and Indicators CEOS AHT SDG – ToRs (summary): Coordinate the efforts of CEOS agencies and channel CEOS support to the SDG process (EO showcases, promotion material, etc.) through GEO Provide a forum for sharing/communicating EO best practices in support to the SDGs (in collaboration with GEO). Analyse opportunities for better uptake of satellite-based EO in support to SDGs Targets and Indicators, in part via enhanced engagement of CEOS agencies within the GEO initiatives and flagships. Engage with relevant authoritative SDG stakeholders inside (e.g., IAEG- SDGs & WGGI, UNSD, UN GGIM, Custodian agencies) and outside the UN system (e.g., GPSDD, IISD, WBG, Foundations). Use CEOS assets and bodies (WGCapD, AHT FDA, SEO, etc.) to build and strengthen EO capacities at all levels of the SDGs implementation.

18 Implementation Plan – Status Updates (1)
IP main activities Status Compile and maintain a compendium of CEOS Agencies’ engagement on SDGs Compendium compilation ongoing but still largely incomplete. Compendium to be presented at CEOS 32 Plenary CEOS agencies to designate PoC and PoCs to list their activities on SDGs Define a coherent, flexible & adaptive CEOS engagement plan on SDGs Ongoing - CEOS Engagement priorities to be discussed at SIT TW Engagement priorities to be finalised and presented at CEOS Plenary (with proposal on future of AHT SDG) Depends on CEOS/GEO alignment of activities (to be discussed at SIT TW) Coordinate CEOS support to GEO-led SDG activities (GEO EO4SDG initiative and GEO flagships /initiatives/communities active on SDGs with CEOS Agency involvement) Ongoing, various cooperative activities with GEO EO4SDG: GEO/CEOS joint participation to UN GGIM side-meeting at UNSC-49 (NYC, March) and to the Australian side event at HLPF on SDG (NYC, July) GEO/CEOS joint communication (website content, including events calendar, training material…) GEO/CEOS joint guest editors of scientific publications (e.g. RSE Special Issue on SDGs, new RS SI on “EO solutions to support countries implementing the SDGs” => Alignment of CEOS and GEO activities needed to optimise resources; => More coordination needed with other GEO initiatives working on SDG topics (Blue Planet, GEOGLAM, GEO Human Planet, GEO Wetlands, etc.); Review and assess the contribution of EO to the SDG Targets and Indicators Ongoing, output of ESA EO4SDGs project (launched in April 2018) first task: perform an in-depth assessment of the EO contribution to the SDG targets and indicators with 2 outputs: Compendium + Policy brief. Both products will undertake an external review by EO4SDG & AHT SDG. First review completed – 2 levels of EO contribution - Fact sheets template produced => 1st version to be presented at CEOS 32 plenary (after review by GEO and CEOS AHT)

19 Implementation Plan – Status Updates (2)
IP main activities Status Demonstrate, showcase and foster the added-value of EO data in the SDG monitoring and reporting process Compilation of EO best case practices for SDGs (ongoing) The RSE and RS Special Issue on SDGs will provide good examples. ESA review on EO contribution to SDGs will also collect best practice examples CEOS agencies solicited to provide examples from their (national) engagement on SDGs National/Regional SDG pilot projects (ongoing) CSIRO: Australia, EO Pacific Forum on SDGs (11-12 October, Brisbane) ESA: two SDG projects in Uganda (1 funded by GPSDD, 1 by ESA) NASA: two SDG pilot projects on SDG & / (countries: multiple; ongoing); Research opportunity (under review /selection) on SDGs 14 & 15 (upcoming) Multi-national projects on CEOS data cubes with GA/CSIRO, NASA and GEO => More to be added – list to be finalised by the Plenary Training courses on EO for the SDGs (ongoing and to be discussed) “SDG Academy” (SDSN) – in discussion with Flora/Kim/Argie (GEO) CEOS AHT SDG role with capacity building to be discussed: provide only high-level content on EO and SDG to GEO? Links with CEOS WGCapD (action from SIT 33)? Facilitate uptake of satellite EO by SDG stakeholders List of all activities related to EO infrastructures (e.g. EO platforms) and tools (e.g. Toolboxes and data cubes) (ongoing) Open Data Cube & SDG: the African Regional Data Cube project (with GPSDD); Establishment of an EO Platform to Support Pacific Island Nation Environmental, Climate and Livelihood (CSIRO lead); WGGI Task Stream 2 on Application of EO Data for the SDG indicators Needs; Support to (NASA) on SDG ; current pilot is supporting CI on SDG (and expanding to also cover ) ESA Thematic Exploitation Platforms (TEPs), EU Copernicus DIAS => Analysis to be consolidated in the context of the WGGI Task Stream 2

20 Implementation Plan – Status Updates (3)
IP main activities Status Conduct impactful Communication & Outreach activities on EO for SDGs “SDG updates”: (on-going) first edition circulated within CEOS Is it worth pursuing this? Or updates at SIT and Plenary enough? Perhaps a short (quarterly newsletter instead? Could be done jointly with EO4SDG or solely by the AHT SDG with EO4SDG ad-hoc inputs) CEOS Earth Observation Handbook on SDGs (completed): available here: Released for the 49th Session of the UN Statistical Commission (March 2018) Widely distributed in many SDG and EO related events Flyer to promote EO satellite data & SDG Internal communication ( ing and website updates) On-line version of the CEO EO Handbook as a living document with inclusion of articles and best practice examples? Link to EO4SDG Portal ? Contributions to GEO (EO4SDG) (ongoing) GEO EO4SDG portal (website content, including calendar) GEO/CEOS primers/flyers Need to optimise GEO/CEOS collaboration on “EO for SDGs” communication and outreach?

21 ACHIEVEMENTS (on key ongoing activities)
AHT SDG key achievements & lessons learnt (to be reviewed) ACHIEVEMENTS (on key ongoing activities) LESSONS LEARNT what done? What needed? Compendium Good initial inputs from agencies. Need more responses (and more up to date info) from CEOS Agencies Engagement Plan To be elaborated in the upcoming months, after more discussions with EO4SDG to clarify our respective roles and alignment of activities. CEOS/GEO roles need be clarified to be more efficient (optimised use of resources, maximise impact) EO Handbook on SDG Outstanding team work (ESA, Symbios, CSIRO (Flora) and all contributors): tangible exercise including various stakeholders, with quality result, recognized by CEOS Agencies. Lively Handbook with regular insertion of EO best practices, country showcases, EO experiences from SDG stakeholders Support to GEO EO4SDG Good reactivity & coordination to complete various tasks (communication material, participation in key meetings, data cubes, capacity building, etc.). Need more engagement from other AHT SDG members (mainly ESA and CSIRO and NOAA active supporting NASA/JAXA as GEO co-eads of EO4SDGs) Compilation of case studies Concrete inputs provided to the Compendium / EOHB, RSE SI on EO&SDG, RS SI to be issued soon with a country focus. Need innovative and more specific (targeted) examples to help better EO uptake in SDG (in particular by NSOs) Communication & outreach activities Limited but regular production of communications material (“SDG Update”, SDG flyers), Participation to SDG events Elaborate a common GEO/CEOS strategy for communication and outreach

22 GEO/CEOS alignment Activities Lead GEO EO4SDG (with support of GEO initiatives) CEOS ADH SDGs (with support of other CEOS bodies) Contribution to IAEG-SDG Working Group on Geospatial Information (WGGI) Sweden, Colombia, UN GGIM (secretariat) Joint contribution to the WGGI Task Stream on “Application of EO data for the SDG indicators Needs” (NASA, JAXA, ESA direct contribution with support from CEOS Agencies) Interactions with UN specialized agencies (custodian of SDG indicators) GEO/CEOS GEO participation to UN expert groups on SDG indicators, in part through dedicated GEO initiatives build on established relationships CEOS Agencies have with UN agencies. Participation more as individual agencies. EO mainstreaming in country processes and systems (NSOs and line ministries) GEO Lead the collection and promotion of national EO showcases CEOS Agencies help connecting with national authorities and providing country examples EO value for the SDG targets and indicators Joint analysis of EO contribution to SDGs to be communicated following an agreed template. Collect EO best case practices Lead the collection of Best Practices following a defined template All CEOS agencies to provide EO best practices examples Develop precise examples (one or more per country/ CEOS agency) on uses of Earth observations for SDG indicators

23 GEO/CEOS alignment (2/3)
Activities Lead GEO EO4SDG (with support of GEO initiatives) CEOS ADH SDGs (with support of other CEOS bodies) Capacity building GEO Coordinate the capacity building efforts with custodian Agencies and other GEO initiatives including the GEO WG-CB GEO also developed a number of privileged contacts with pilot countries Support provided on an ad-hoc basis (with CEOS WGCapD) Conduct capacity building activities in coordination with EO4SDG (with WGCapD, other CEOS WGs) ? EO enabling infrastructures for SDGs (platforms and toolboxes) CEOS Support CEOS on deploying Open Data Cube in countries CEOS SEO through AHT SDG (Open Data Cube) Develop examples of data cube outputs to address key sustainability needs & SDG indicators Not prescriptive – Open to all relevant tools and platforms Satellite Analysis Read Data (ARD) for the SDGs Express ARD needs from SDG community CEOS FDA/VC-LSI through AHT SDG (ARD analysis) But CEOS FDA planned to be phased out after CEOS 32 Plenary EO long term data continuity (For SDG indicators baseline and regular future reporting) Express EO data needs from SDG community analysis of the satellite data availability (legacy data and long term continuity) for each of the SDG indicators

24 GEO/CEOS alignment (3/3)
Activities Lead GEO EO4SDG (with support of GEO initiatives) CEOS ADH SDGs (with support of other CEOS bodies) EO Data products validation / standardization / certification CEOS Express validation/standardisation needs from SDG community CEOS WGCV through AHT SDG EO Promotion and Outreach in the SDG community GEO Manage the EO4SDG Portal and communication material support provided on ad-hoc basis But important that CEOS appears in the communication EO4SDG Awards to be announced at the GEO Plenary & rolled out in January 2019 timeframe EO4SDG will conduct annual awards for exemplary uses of EO to support the SDGs and their respective targets and indicators Serve in the Evaluation Panel and Award Selection Committee (long term objective) Develop EO4SDG Portal into a SDG interactive knowledge resource GEO & CEOS EO4SDG Portal: evolution into a SDG EO knowledge Hub,: Official Metadata & Guideline on how EO is integrated in SDG metrics (per indicator). Best practices, lessons learned, valuation and impact assessment, inventory of tools and platforms available (per indicator) Access to on-line platforms for calculating EO metrics CEOS can contribute to the building of the EO knowledge Hub for SDGs and lead the development of on-line platforms. to be integrated in the GEO EO4SDG portal: open-source tools for calculating EO metrics for all relevant SDGs [in collaboration with other CEOS WGs / AHTs, i.e., CEOS SEO, other]

25 Proposal for short term future
Continue as AHT for with following key achievables: Refine role of AHT SDG vis-à-vis GEO EO4SDG (following GEO/CEOS alignment of activities and priorities) Support further showcasing EO’s value in SDG monitoring and reporting (with a strong national focus) Prepare case for transition from AHT to CEOS Working Group on SDGs from late 2019, based on more tightly defined roles Sub-team to support UNCCD request to GEO for support for “Land Degradation Neutrality” EO-based monitoring methodology implementation and testing (under CSIRO/ESA leads)

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