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Presentation on theme: "ADVANCED WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:

Planning for the Future Speaker: Gary Jo Ann J. Macrina, PE Shannon Ponitz, PE October 26, 2018

2 Current Challenges Drinking Water Supply Issues
Wastewater Effluent Disposal Issues Limited groundwater supplies Non-potable water supply needs, such as irrigation Reliable “non-traditional” water supplies requires capital and operating costs (ie: seawater) Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). Portion of Halifax River designated an “Impaired Water Body” in 2010 Future Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) for restoration Currently at 92% of water withdrawal allocation Growth & Development Climate Variation Issues Increasing demands Wet weather versus Drought

3 Multi-faceted Approach to Sustainable Water Resources
What Daytona Beach is doing NOW to ensure sustainable water supply Limit Watering during Drought Reclaimed Water Wetlands Rehydration Evaluating Potable Water Supplementation

4 Objectives More alternatives for reliable drinking water sources
Protecting our health Protecting our environment Collect Real Time Data from Treatment Processes Assist Florida in development of a regulatory framework for potable reuse projects

5 A Trend Towards Alternative Water Supplies in the U.S.

6 Project Background Demonstration scale advanced water purification system; $3M Partner with St. Johns River Water Management District; $1M grant Purified water test in real time for 2-year demonstration period

7 Construction Completed Mid-2018
Production capacity of 200,000 gpd (0.2 MGD) Apply proven engineered advanced treatment technologies Will comply with or exceed strict state and federal drinking water standards Demonstrate high purification level

8 Multi-Barrier Treatment Train Process
Reclaimed (Reuse) Water Available for Water Supply Membrane (Ultra) Filtration Reverse Osmosis UV Disinfection / Advanced Oxidation

9 What should be in your drinking water and what should NOT

10 First Barrier - Ultrafiltration (UF)

11 Second Barrier – Reverse Osmosis (RO)
Cl- Note, that this capacity was selected because it is the minimum skid size for 2-stages using 8” membranes.

12 Third Barrier – UV Disinfection with Advanced Oxidation
Pure water

13 Operation and Testing a GO!

14 The Finished Product, an Advanced Purified Water of Superior Quality

15 What will the Demonstration Facility Do?
Collect Trusted Technical Data to Show the Safety of Advanced Purified Water Build Community Confidence & Connection Advance the State of the Science *All treated water will be returned to the headworks of the Westside Regional Water Reclamation Facility

16 A State-Approved Testing Protocol
Rigorous sampling plan, approved by Florida Department of Environmental Protection Include testing for physical, mineral and inorganic constituents Primary and secondary drinking water standards, including pathogens Mutagenicity Online analyzers for simplified operations, and real-time quality monitoring On-site laboratory testing with specialized analysis by outside labs

17 A Rigorous Water Testing Program to Observe the Safety of the Approach
Pathogens Bacteria Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum (“Crypto”) Giardia lamblia (“Giardia”) Viruses Chemicals Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Standards Salts (e.g. Sodium, chloride, potassium, sulfate, etc.) Nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus) Disinfectants (e.g. chlorine) and Disinfection Byproducts Personal Care Products DEET (insect repellent) Triclosan (antibacterial soap) Pharmaceuticals Atenolol (heart medication) Azithromycin (antibiotic) Naproxen (“Aleve”) Fluoxetine (“Prozac”) Other micro-constituents Caffeine Sucralose (“Splenda”) Hormones

18 Benefits of Advanced Water Treatment
Preserve existing groundwater sources by minimizing further withdrawals, protecting the aquifer against seawater intrusion Protect the coastal environment by reducing nutrient discharges to the Halifax River Creates a locally-controlled, reliable supply of high quality water that is drought resilient Uses one-third the energy required to desalinate seawater Produces purified water that meets or exceeds state and federal drinking water standards Secures a safe, sustainable, and affordable water supply for the future

19 Acknowledgements City of Daytona Beach Utilities Department - Shannon Ponitz, P.E., Director - Jo Ann Macrina, P.E., Deputy Director and Project Manager - Robin Cook, Regulatory Compliance Manager - James Pekala, Construction Project Manager -Gary ReVoir, P.E., Vice President -Andrew Woodcock, P.E., Client Manager -Jennifer Roque, P.E., Project Manager -Dave MacNevin, P.E., Ph.D. Process Engineer Approved for $1M funding by the District. The largest share of funding provided to the four (4) projects that were approved for the Innovative Projects Cost-Share Program for the FY


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