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Lesson16 The Bear Escaped!

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1 Lesson16 The Bear Escaped!
冀教版 八年级下册 Lesson16 The Bear Escaped!

2 What do you know about April Fools’ Day?

3 About April Fools’ Day April Fools' Day is in the Western world on April 1 every year, sometimes referred to as All Fools' Day. April 1 is not a national holiday, but is widely celebrated in many countries as a day when people play jokes on friends, family members, teachers, neighbours, work associates, etc. In Italy, France, Belgium and Canada, children and adults traditionally stick paper fish on each other's back as a trick and shout "April fish!"In the UK, an April fool joke is revealed(揭示) by shouting "April fool!" at the recipient(接受者), who becomes the "April fool". Traditionally, in some countries such as New Zealand, the UK, Australia, and South Africa, the jokes only last until noon. A person playing a joke after midday is the "April fool" themselves. But other countries, such as in France, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Russia, The Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Canada, and the U.S., the jokes last all day.

4 About April Fools’ Day When is April Fools’ Day?
What do people do on that day? What do Canadian people traditionally do on April Fools’ day? What do people in the UK shout at the recipient? How long do the jokes last in the U.S.?

5 About April Fools’ Day When is April Fools’ Day?
What do people do on that day? April Fools' Day is in the western world on April 1 every year, sometimes referred to as All Fools' Day. April 1 is not a national holiday, but is widely celebrated in many countries as a day when people play jokes on friends, family members, teachers, neighbours, work associates, etc.

6 About April Fools’ Day 3.What do Canadian people traditionally do on April Fools’ day? 4.What do people in the UK shout at the recipient? 5.How long do the jokes last in the U.S.? In Italy, France, Belgium and Canada, children and adults traditionally stick paper fish on each other's back as a trick and shout "April fish!"In the UK, an April fool joke is revealed(揭示) by shouting "April fool!" at the recipient(接受者), who becomes the "April fool". Traditionally, in some countries such as New Zealand, the UK, Australia, and South Africa, the jokes only last until noon. A person playing a joke after midday is the "April fool" themselves. But other countries, such as in France, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Russia, The Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Canada, and the U.S., the jokes last all day. Canadian people traditionally stick paper fish on each other’s back as a trick and shout “April fish!” They shout “April fool!” Jokes last all day in the U.S.

7 The monkey doesn’t like
to live in the cage. It wants to escape from it. a cage

8 Lions, tigers, bears and wolves are not gentle animals
Lions, tigers, bears and wolves are not gentle animals. They are very fierce.

9 Don’t be afraid. I will protect you when you are in danger.

10 “I want to be a person who is useful and helpful for our people and our country. If this is a fool, I’m willing to be such a fool.” From Lei Feng’s diary

11 --- Hi, Steven. Jack is waiting for you at the gate.
--- You’re joking, aren’t you? Jack has gone to London. He won’t be back until next Saturday.

12 Thinking Questions 1.What would you feel if a bear escaped from the zoo? 2.What would you do ? I would feel…… I would ……

13 Listen and answer the questions.
What escaped from the zoo? Does Danny have any donuts today? A bear escaped from the zoo. No, he doesn’t have any donuts today.

14 Read and answer the questions.
Who do Jenny and Brian play a joke on? What is Danny doing when they find him? What is Danny’s feeling when he first hears a bear escaped from the zoo? 4. What does Danny say after he realizes it is a joke? They play a joke on Danny. He is sleeping. He is excited. He says, “Hey…… Wait a minute. Why are you laughing? You’re joking, aren’t you? ”

15 Read the lesson again and fill in the blanks to complete the story.
Today was April Fools’ Day. Jenny and Brian wanted to play a trick on Danny. Danny was sleeping in the classroom. Jenny and Brian him up. They told Danny a bear from the zoo. Danny was not scared when he first heard the news , he felt happy. Then he heard the bear was coming for his donuts. He was scared and told everyone to run to themselves. But he soon realized they were joking on him. Danny was a April today! woke fierce escaped Instead protect fool

16 The Bear Escaped! Today was April Fools’ Day. Jenny and Brian wanted
to play a trick on Danny. Danny was sleeping in the classroom. Jenny and Brian woke him up. They told Danny a fierce bear escape from the zoo. Danny was not scared when he first heard the news , he felt happy. Then he heard the bear was coming for his donuts. He was scared and told everyone to run to protect themselves. But he soon realized they were joking on him. Danny was a April fool today! when to play who to play on where to play what to do Instead

17 Read in roles

18 Act it out

19 A joke on April Fools’ Day
It isn't only children that like jokes. Grownups, too。 Glenn Howlett‘s colleagues(同事) at London city hall played a joke on him. They sent him a memo(备忘录) to tell him that he had to finish the really big report he was working on in just two weeks. He must hand in it before April 1st. Howlett didn’t realize it was a joke. He received the memo while on vacation and cut his vacation short and phoned the office to tell everyone to start getting busy. He was so busy that had a heart attack. Finally he thought he didn’t want to lose his health for the report, so he asked for early retirement(退休). At that time someone told him it was just a joke. Howlett got very angry. He sued(起诉) his colleagues for damages(赔偿).

20 A joke on April Fools’ Day
What did Howlett's colleagues do to play the joke? What did Howlett do after he received the memo? What did Howlett do after he knew it was a joke? What do you think about the joke? What kind of joke can we play?

21 A joke on April Fools’ Day
What did Howlett's colleagues do to play the joke? 2. What did Howlett do after he received the memo? 3. What did Howlett do after he knew it was a joke? They sent him a memo to tell him that he had to finish the really big report he was working on in just two weeks. He must hand in it before April 1st. He cut his vacation short and phoned the office to tell everyone to start getting busy. He sued his colleagues for damages.

22 A joke on April Fools’ Day
4. What do you think about the joke? 5.What kind of joke can we play?

23 April Fools’ Day comes once a year,
so don't miss the opportunity to play a few jokes on family, friends and colleagues.

24 Just expect to have a few played back on you!

25 It is the day for jokes of all kinds, whether they come from friends and family or they're online, TV or radio jokes. Sad or mad. April Fools’ Day is meant to be fun for everyone.

26 Plan a joke on your friend!
Work in groups and think about how you can play a joke on your friend. You may consider the following things: *Who do you want to play on? *Where do you want to play the joke? *When do you want to play? *What do you want to say or do?

27 Which joke is the most interesting?

28 Homework Better your joke and write it down.
Prepare for the next lesson.

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