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Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management in Hungary

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1 Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management in Hungary
4th CEE Nuclear Energy Summit Bálint Nős director of strategy and technology PURAM

2 Council Directive 2011/70/EURATOM
Member States shall ensure the establishment, maintenance and implementation of a National Program covering all aspects of spent fuel and radioactive waste management from generation to disposal.

3 Act on Atomic Energy The government shall appoint an organization to cover the following tasks: Drafting the National Policy and National Program, Final disposal of RW, Interim storage of SNF and the back-end of the fuel cycle, Decommissioning of nuclear facilities. PURAM was appointed To cover the above mentioned tasks the Central Nuclear Financial Fund was established.

4 Development of a National Program
Generation of spent fuel and radioactive waste categorization, waste streams 1 2 n collection, treatment, conditioning storage transport final disposal in dedicated repositories

5 Main Waste Producers Paks NPP Institutional waste producers:
Training reactor Research reactor Medicine, industry, agriculture

6 Logical Scheme of the Program
Russia Interim storage of SNF Interim storage of long-lived waste Final disposal of institutional L/ILW Final disposal of SNF Final disposal of operational and decommissioning HLW Final disposal of operational and decommissioning L/ILW Final disposal of SNF Final disposal of long-lived waste

7 Institutional L/ILW disposal

8 Institutional Radioactive Waste
Disposal at Püspökszilágy Radioactive Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility (RWTDF), which was commissioned in 1976. Near surface facility with engineered barriers Disposal capacity: 5040 m3 Storage capacity: ~1000 drums

9 NPP Origin L/ILW disposal

10 Disposal of the NPP origin L/ILW
Host formation granitic type fractured rock The depth is ~ m Designed for the disposal of the operational and decommissioning L/ILW of the current 4 units, but extension is possible

11 Interim Storage of SNF

12 Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Modular, vault type, dry storage facility The fuel assemblies are stored in tubes, filled with inert N2 atmosphere The cooling is provided by passive air flowing

13 Site Selection of a DGR

14 Site Selection for the DGR
A staged site investigation program has been developed Currently a surface based geological research program is ongoing

15 Time Schedule of the Activities

16 Long-term Planning PURAM prepares each year the mid- and long-term plan of the activities financed from the CNFF. The basis of these plans is the National Program. FEE TO BE PAYED MID and LONG TERM PLAN National Program

17 Long-term Cost Profile

18 Thank you for your attention!

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