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Dear Loved One Letter Imagine Bemis Junior High is a boarding school. In early September, your parents/guardians dropped you off here for the year. You.

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Presentation on theme: "Dear Loved One Letter Imagine Bemis Junior High is a boarding school. In early September, your parents/guardians dropped you off here for the year. You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dear Loved One Letter Imagine Bemis Junior High is a boarding school. In early September, your parents/guardians dropped you off here for the year. You won’t be returning home until June. Of course, they and you were very nervous. You miss home, and the people at home miss you. They want to know how life is going, how school is going, and how you’re adjusting. Write a letter home telling your loved ones what school is like. How do things work around here? Give details about each of your six classes including the teacher’s name, what you like, what you don’t like, what you think your grade is in that class, what you’re learning, and what you’re struggling with. BE HONEST! You can describe the differences between your elementary school and junior high. Remember: These people at home care about you deeply, so you must help them understand how things are going with you.

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