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Chapter 4 The English Colonies I. Jamestown, Virginia

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1 Chapter 4 The English Colonies I. Jamestown, Virginia
-first permanent English settlement in 1607 -John Smith led the poorly prepared colonists -Pocahontas and the Indians helped the colonists survive -John Rolfe helped develop popular tobacco, Virginia is still known for it’s tobacco -John Rolfe and Pocahantas get married -Jamestown colonists and Indians would find peace at first but when the colonists no longer needed the Indians, there was trouble. Colonists began moving onto Indian lands causing problems.

2 -Indentured Servants were colonists who signed contracts to work for seven years for those people who paid their ship fare to America. -African slaves were also brought to Virginia to work for wealthy planters. -Nathaniel Bacon and his followers were unhappy with the conditions of Jamestown. (high taxes and lack of available farmland.) Bacon led a rebellion killing Indians and eventually burning down Jamestown. Virginia would need stricter rule from the government of England.

3 Puritans and Pilgrims -Puritans wanted to reform the Church of England -Separatists wanted to cut all ties with the Church -One group of Separatists were known as Pilgrims. -Pilgrims left England for America in 1620 aboard the Mayflower -They founded Plymouth, Massachusetts and created the Mayflower Compact which was a document of fair laws in an attempt at self-government. -Pilgrims would celebrate first Thanksgiving with the Indians of the area. Relations with Indians would be good in the beginning, but like Jamestown, relations will become strained.

4 III. The New England Colonies
-Economic, political, and religious problems in England led to a Great Migration of people to New England in the colonies -New England consisted of 1. Massachusetts- founded by the Puritans and Pilgrims 2. Connecticut- founded by Thomas Hooker 3. Rhode Island- founded by Roger Williams 4. New Hampshire- founded by fishermen from Massachusetts -The center of family life in New England was the church -The Salem witch trials was an example of extreme church influence in Massachusetts.

5 IV. The Middle Colonies 6. New York and New Jersey- big business was overseas trade 7. Pennsylvania- founded by William Penn and the Quakers (religious group) 8. Delaware- founded by farmers from Pennsylvania V. Southern Colonies 9. Maryland- English Catholics North and South Carolina- agricultural colonies (rice and tobacco) 12. Virginia- agricultural colony (tobacco) 13. Georgia- founded by George Oglethorpe and English debtors (people that were in major debt in England and could afford their bills there.

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