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The Radical Phase.

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1 The Radical Phase

2 Why did the Revolution become more radical after 1792?
Economic problems The royal family Counterrevolution War

3 August 1791 – the Austrian ruler issues the Declaration of Pillnitz
This declaration convinces the Girondin party that the only way to save the revolution was to spread it by force of arms August 20, 1792 – France declares war on Austria Austria and Prussia issue the Brunswick Manifesto

4 The Sans-culottes are ripe for persuasion…..
Jean-Paul Marat demands the deaths of traitors and for heads to roll Georges Danton works to create a revolutionary government in the capital, the Paris Commune

5 August 10, 1792 – the Second Revolution takes when when the king is arrested and a more radical National Convention is elected to govern France September 1792 – the National Convention abolishes the monarchy and declares France a republic

6 January 21, 1793 – the king is placed on trial for treason and after being found guilty by the Convention is executed May-Jun 1793 – Robespierre and the Mountain come to dominate the Convention. The Constitution of 1793 is passed Over the next year, France is ruled by the Committee of Public Safety

7 Robespierre emerges as the dominant personality
Argues that virtue must be combined with terror Revolutionary tribunals arise across France, executing about 50,000 people over the course of the terror

8 Policies of the Terror Levee en masse Law of General Maximum
Abolition of slavery Revolutionary calendar Cult of the Supreme Being Standardization of weights and measures Military victories

9 March 1794 – radicals known as the Herbertists are executed
May 1794 – Danton and his supporters, known as the Indulgents, are executed By summer 1794 is seems as if the crisis had passes However, the rate of execution only quickens

10 Robespierre announces the Law of 22 Prairial
Opponents began to ally against him July 27, 1794 – the Convention arrests Robespierre and his supporters and he is later executed The period following is known as the Thermidorian Reaction

11 Extreme policies are reversed
The Convention creates the Constitution of Year III Assembly appoints 5 directors as an executive body, known as the Directory September 4, 1797 – after free elections create a majority for royalists, the Directory annuls the results and maintains power (coup d’etat of Fructidor)

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