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1st Amendment has 5 freedoms A. _______________ B.___________

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1 1st Amendment has 5 freedoms A. _______________ B.___________
Name:____________ Date:________ Period:____________ Bill of Rights Notes Slide 1-3 - The Bill of rights protects the rights of _______ ________ and ____________ 1st Amendment has 5 freedoms A. _______________ B.___________ C.______________ D.________________ E._____________ How does the clip relate to this amendment? __________________________ Word Bank Small groups Minorities Religion Unreasonable searches Assembly Press Prevents the military from Petition Speech own guns 2nd Amendment People are allowed to _______ _______________ 4th Amendment People are protected from “_____________________________” 3rd Amendment ________ the ________ ______forcing people to house soldiers

2 People if tried go to ________
5th Amendment People if tried go to ________ Double Jeopardy, _______________________ Can’t say things that will ______________________ 6th Amendment 1.__________ 2. Impartial jury 3______________ 4.________________________ 5.________________________ Word bank Know the charges Court Hear and question witnesses Given to the states or people Excessive fines Can’t be tried twice for same crime 2x Excessive bail Know charges against you Make you guilty All other Attorney and defense Speedy trial 7th Amendment - In civil court have jury if over $20 8th Amendment No _______ _________ Protection from ___________ _______ or cruel punishment 9th Amendment -People have _____ ________rights even if they are not listed in the Constitution. 10th Amendment Powers not given to the federal government are _______ __ ____ ______ ____ __________

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