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Helping our community through interactive activities

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1 Helping our community through interactive activities
“Ungheni City Quest” Helping our community through interactive activities ACCESS Ungheni, 2012

2 Goals of the project To inform people about pollution in our town
To fight pollution through completing different tasks of the quest To teach people more about geography, history and pollution problems that our town confront

3 Project’s Organization
Students were divided into 2 teams. Each team had to come up with a name. Each team had 10 task, which solving led to different places in our town. At each place, students had to share flyers that make people aware of environmental issues of our community. At each place, students had to take a group picture.

4 Each team had two mentors, an ACCESS alumni and a Peace Corps Volunteer: Robyn Savacool and Magdalene Fish-Davis.

5 Rules of the quest 1. Only English is allowed! 2. Work as a TEAM !
3. Take PICTURES of all the places you find! 4. You have the right to use 2 HINTS: - ONE phone call. - The right to ask ONE question to anyone you like 5. The limit time is TWO Hours! Wins the team that arrives FIRST!

6 What happened to those who did not respect the rules


8 The first team: Wonderful Team Forever

9 Tasks for the first team
1. This place is visited by a lot of hungry people. There you have the opportunity to find a lot of delicious food. There is one more pleasant thing near there. It`s a beauty that can give you a lot of water for free. 2. A modern person needs to be very well informed. In Ungheni one of the most accessible source is the newspaper. It isn`t only for information you can also Express your own opinion about everyday life. 3. This place needs to be visited rather often if you want to take care of your health. The responsible people have to take an oath before beginning their activity here. By the way near this place you will find some signs of a member of the British Royal Family. 4. During our life we have to participate in a lot of contests. One of the most important is organized here every spring in May, that is dedicated mostly to young people. 5. On the way to the next destination you have to buy something that serves you to sent a mail. If you have done this than you are on the right way to the next site. Congratulations! The half of you quest is done! This place brings you here monthly. It`s because we need a bit of satisfaction, information and connection with the whole world.

10 6. Are you tired. Dou you want to feel comfortable
6. Are you tired? Dou you want to feel comfortable? Then find this place. 7. What are your afterschool activities? If you begin to enumerate, we are sure that one of them you’ll find here. It is called the king in his domain. So find the activity and you’ll find the place for sure. 8. There is an old tradition to visit this place twice a week. Ungheni citizens go there to interact with people that they had not seen for a time. You will find there home made products and a lot of other things. 9. This street is full of shops. It`s a great opportunity to buy something new. One new shop was open recently but it isn`t an usual one it has original Moldovan Products. Go there and find something fashionable for you. 10. It`s a place where Ungheni people have recently open. It`s a little bit unusual, because there is water, but you can not swim, there are trees but it`s not a park, there are art masterpieces but it`s not a museum. And generally WorkFires are for youngsters.

11 The second team: Sponge Bob

12 The second team: Sponge Bob

13 Tasks for the second team
1. This place is a very crowded only in summer. It`s the appropriate place for children to have fun, for adults to relax and watch fire works. For young people it`s a place to leave written messages and see the railway station. A huge machine will help you. 2. You cannot see a film there but you can enrich you soul. The spiritual health is very important for Ungheni people. 3. The narrowest bridge in Ungheni will lead you to a place where much people say good buy and at the same time they meet in a cute place with several benches and trees. 4. Listen to the waves of water and follow them. Pottery has an old tradition in Ungheni. The building you are going to find symbolizes a factory that produced the first pottery objects in own town. Find its ruins. 5. Did you find the previous building? Congratulations! Now you have to find a modern building that looks like blue sky that opens wide doors to Europe. But Attention! You can go through it after you are checked in.

14 6. The symbols of culture, history, art, sports and leisure time are united in this place.
From there you can see a piece of France and a foreign country. 7. There are five buildings with the same destination in our town. Read carefully this passage, it has an evident clue to find one of these sites. ” There was, as in the fairy tales, As ne'er in the time's raid, There was, of famous royal blood A most beautiful maid. She was her parents' only child, Bright like the sun at noon, Like the Virgin midst the saints And among stars the moon” 8. Modern, cute and tiny but very important for this region. You can get there a certain paper that is connected with the distance of 30 km. 9. A modern person needs to be very well informed. In Ungheni the most accessible source is the newspaper. It isn`t only for information you can also express your own opinion about everyday life. It is not situated on an angle, but it represents it. 10. It`s a place where Ungheni people have recently open. It`s a little bit unusual, because there is water, but you can not swim, there are trees but it`s not a park, there are art masterpieces but it`s not a museum. And generally WorkFires are for youngsters.

15 Impressions after the quest
After completing the quest, each team had to write its impressions about the activity


17 Without actions and continual growth such conditions as improvement and prosperity of our society have no meaning.

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