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English II Vocabulary 22.

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Presentation on theme: "English II Vocabulary 22."— Presentation transcript:

1 English II Vocabulary 22

2 Annex A building which is an addition to an existing building

3 Censure Blame

4 Didactic Intended to teach; instructive

5 Extrinsic Not part of the essential nature of someone or something; coming or operating from the outside

6 Inconsequential Unimportant; insignificant; negligible

7 Malediction A magical word or phrase uttered to bring about evil or destruction; a curse

8 Panacea A remedy for all difficulties or diseases

9 Prevaricate Speak misleadingly and evasively

10 Scuttle To run with short, hasty steps

11 Unfrock To remove a priest from his position

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