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The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic

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Presentation on theme: "The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic

2 Bell Ringer Take 7 minutes to review with a classmate the materials covered in Chapter 10 – Washington and Adams

3 Activity Using the figurine on your desk, you will need to relate the object to the events that took place in Chapter 10. Ex: Smurf w/gift – One of the greatest gifts given to us through these first two presidents include… You will have 30 minutes to write a 3-4 paragraph summary of Chapter 10. In your paragraphs include the following: Introduction Thesis: relating the object to the events Body: explaining how the object relates to the events Conclusion

4 Objectives Focus on the rivalry between Adams and Jefferson.
Consider the connection between politics and law in the early history of the Supreme Court. Analyze the causes and consequences of the Louisiana Purchase.

5 Federalist and D-R Mudslingers
During the election of 1800… Alien and Sedition Acts hurt Federalist chances Jefferson gets help from the 3/5th clause Revolution of is represented by Jefferson’s presidency

6 Responsibility Breeds Moderation
Jefferson wants to avoid entangling alliances Jefferson mostly keeps the Federalist policies Judiciary Act of leads to Marbury v. Madison Jefferson attempts to reduce the military force and set a precedent of “peaceful coercion”

7 The Louisiana Purchase
Napoleon convinces king of Spain to cede land Jefferson’s pacifist attitude could lead to an alliance with Britain Gaining land sets precedent for future expansion Meriwether Lewis takes a 2.5 year journey to find a route to the Pacific

8 The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic

9 Bell Ringer Review the images on pages 239, 241, 243, and 244.
The Democratic Republicans of this time were mostly pacifists. What events of this time do you believe could have led the United States into war?

10 Objectives Examine the background and ambitions of the young western “War Hawks” of 1812. Identify the events that caused the United States to declare war.

11 The Burr conspiracy Burr conspires to get New England states to secede
Burr challenges Hamilton to a duel Burr conspires to develop a Confederacy in the West Treason???

12 A Bunch of Acts Neutrality Act Embargo Act Jefferson re-elected
London issue Orders in Council Leads to British and French impressments on Americans Pacifist attitude leads to Chesapeake Affair Embargo Act Stop selling to Britain, France Repealed, brings Non- Intercourse Act Why does the act fail?

13 Madison’s Presidency Replaces Non- Intercourse with Macon’s Bill No. 2
War Hawks inspire Madison to consider war with Tecumseh William Henry Harrison becomes a hero for Indiana War with the British was inevitable by 1812 Fighting both Old and New England

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