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Vocabulary Group 21.

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1 Vocabulary Group 21

2 affection uh fek shuhn Fondness or feeling
N emotion Fondness or feeling To show his love and affection for his wife, Albert surprised her with flowers.

3 Great pain, sorrow, or worry
anguish ang gwish N emotion Great pain, sorrow, or worry The death of the long-time religious leader left the people in anguish, grieving for their loss, and fearful of the coming changes.

4 apprehensive a pri hen siv
A emotion Uneasy or fearful about the future When the weather report predicted a snowstorm, my mother became apprehensive about driving in the snow.

5 1) Serious or 2) in significant amounts
earnest uhr nuhst A emotion 1) Serious or 2) in significant amounts Normally playful and joking, Evan became earnest when he started to talk about the need to plan for the future.

6 elated E la tid thrilled
A emotion thrilled The couple was elated when they heard they would soon be grandparents.

7 Sad, inferior, or causing pity
pathetic puh the tik A emotion Sad, inferior, or causing pity We waited over forty minutes before we were helped because the service in the store was so pathetic.

8 To be joyful or delighted
rejoice ri jois V emotion To be joyful or delighted The whole family rejoiced when my sister announced her engagement to a wonderful, upstanding man.

9 a playful trick or prank
antic an tik N friendly a playful trick or prank When we found several telltale signs of practical jokes, we realized the twins were up to their usual antics.

10 benevolent buh ne vuh luhnt
A friendly kind and gracious Her benevolent smile helped to calm the scared child.

11 courteous and friendly
cordial kor juhl A friendly courteous and friendly Although my neighbor is always very cordial to me, we have never become friends.

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