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NQF Implementation Plan 2012-2015 self-assessment exercise Findings and Recommendations Kiev, 19 April 2016 Arjen Deij.

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Presentation on theme: "NQF Implementation Plan 2012-2015 self-assessment exercise Findings and Recommendations Kiev, 19 April 2016 Arjen Deij."— Presentation transcript:

1 NQF Implementation Plan self-assessment exercise Findings and Recommendations Kiev, 19 April 2016 Arjen Deij

2 Findings

3 Findings

4 Findings During many initiatives were initiated but few actually have managed to change existing practices. Some were not carried out at all. Many tasks started were not completed to a level that they could change existing systems. Many tasks were activity driven, not really achievement (result) oriented Who was responsible for development, validation and formal approval of outcomes of tasks? Who coordinated, monitored and quality assured the results?

5 Orchestration = ORGANISATION

6 Recommendations Get organised for systemic impact
A new implementation plan , not just new deadlines Achievement oriented –we need to see results Improve coordination – Ministry of Education / inter-ministerial committee / people who work full time on implementation Monitor implementation => Implementation Plan as a Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers Avoid competition and working in silos Share the burden Cooperate, ensure dialogue at different levels Communicate - who knows about NQF? Career and lifelong learning focus Aiming for impact for users, citizens and companies Ensure effective support

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