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South Wales’ Top 15 BTO Garden BirdWatch Species

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1 South Wales’ Top 15 BTO Garden BirdWatch Species
Species Ave. weekly reporting rate, S. Wales (%) Ave. weekly reporting rate, all other counties (%) 1 Blue Tit 92 Blackbird 89 2 87 3 Robin 84 81 4 Great Tit 80 75 5 House Sparrow 78 Dunnock 73 6 Chaffinch 76 Woodpigeon 72 7 74 70 8 Magpie 71 69 9 Collared Dove 64 63 10 Coal Tit 61 Greenfinch 57 11 56 12 Goldfinch 55 13 52 14 Jackdaw 50 Starling 15 45 33 This table compares the average weekly GBW reporting rates for the top 15 species in your region vs. the top 15 in the remainder of Britain and Ireland. Data from To make this table easier for your audience to interpret, I would highlight the table cells of a handful of species that stand out to you (e.g. because the reporting rate is much higher or lower in your region compared with elsewhere). BTO Garden BirdWatch 1

2 South Wales winner BTO Garden BirdWatch 2 John Harding
The following graphs are of species where there is a big difference in GBW reporting rates locally compared with the average of all other British and Irish counties. Some of these species might not be in the ‘Top 15 Table’ presented in the previous slide if they are less frequent visitors to gardens. Data from BTO Garden BirdWatch 2

3 South Wales winner John Godfree BTO Garden BirdWatch 3

4 South Wales winner John Harding BTO Garden BirdWatch 4

5 South Wales winner John Harding BTO Garden BirdWatch 5

6 South Wales loser John Harding BTO Garden BirdWatch 6

7 South Wales loser John Harding BTO Garden BirdWatch 7

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