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Presentation on theme: "Squares."— Presentation transcript:

1 Squares

2 Squares Example: Square of a = a2 = a x a Square of 4 = 42 = 4 x 4
“Squaring” a number means to raise a number to the second power Example: Square of a = a2 = a x a Square of 4 = 42 = 4 x 4 Square of 9 = 92 = 9 x 9 Square of 16 = 162 = 16 x 16

3 Squares of Number upto 20 (need to be thorough)
Numbers Squares Numbers Squares 1 1 11 121 2 4 12 144 3 9 13 169 4 16 14 196 5 25 15 225 6 36 16 256 7 49 17 289 8 64 18 324 9 81 19 361 10 100 20 400

4 Square of a rational number

5 Square of a fraction Example: Square of a decimal number 0.52 = 0.5 x 0.5 =0.25 0.122 = 0.12 x 0.12 =0.0144

6 By multiplication rule of integers, - x - = +
Square of a negative number (-6)2 = -6 x -6 = + 36 (-0.4)2 = -0.4 x -0.4 = By multiplication rule of integers, - x - = +

7 Try these Find the square of the following numbers 6 -14 0.5

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