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Supporting others to be open

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting others to be open"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting others to be open @worldbankdata Open Data at the World Bank Open about what we do Open about what we know Open to new engagement Supporting others to be open

2 Open about what we do: Projects and Operations Portal
- Open about what we do: important for transparency, improving coordination – Rahyab talking about projects and IATI, Alex more about IEG performance ratings

3 Open about what we do: Projects and Operations Portal
- Open about what we do: important for transparency, improving coordination – Rahyab talking about projects and IATI, Alex more about IEG performance ratings

4 Open about what we do:

5 Open about what we do: First multilateral to publish IATI data
- Open about what we do: important for transparency, improving coordination – Rahyab talking about projects and IATI, Alex more about IEG performance ratings

6 Open about what we know:

7 Open about what we know: Bank-wide data catalog
Microdata catalog - offering researched access to raw survey data covering household etc. specialist datasets available in the data catalog: making data from across the bank visible and findable in once central location - Specialist data - WITS - trade data, databases on migration and remittences

8 Open about what we know: Survey microdata for research
Microdata catalog - offering researched access to raw survey data covering household etc. specialist datasets available in the data catalog: making data from across the bank visible and findable in once central location - Specialist data - WITS - trade data, databases on migration and remittences

9 Open to new engagement: Google gives our data reach

10 Open to new engagement: Global Apps Contests

11 Supporting others to do Open Data

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