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Pentatonic Improvisation

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1 Pentatonic Improvisation

2 Here’s the G Major Pentatonic Scale
(Note how it is built up on the I / II / III / V / VI degrees of the scale) It is the same pentatonic scale as Ravel starts with – just a semitone higher Try playing it ascending and descending on your instruments so that you get used to its sound.

3 Now try this ostinato pattern
Now try this ostinato pattern. Once you have learned it get together with a partner: Take it in turns to play the ostinato pattern whilst the other person improvises a melody above it using the notes of the G Major Pentatonic. (Ie. G A B D E). Question Answer Try to make your melody have a ‘Question and Answer structure to it. TIP: Imagine that you were going to sing your melody – pause for a breath half-way through, which will be the ‘question’, and then have an ‘answer’ of the same length.

4 Finally make your piece have a ‘Ternary’ or A B A form to it.
ABA form is where you have one section, followed by a contrasting section, which then repeats the first section. (TIP: Think ‘Same / Different / Same’) Playing techniques Dynamics Rhythm Think carefully about how you might make your middle ‘B’ section different. Consider …. Melody Texture Instrumentation

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