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M U S I C S T Y L E S -Doménica Aguilar -Emily Campos -Mikaela Cusme

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Presentation on theme: "M U S I C S T Y L E S -Doménica Aguilar -Emily Campos -Mikaela Cusme"— Presentation transcript:

1 M U S I C S T Y L E S -Doménica Aguilar -Emily Campos -Mikaela Cusme
- Iana Montero

2 H i s t o r y o f R a p It was on a street in the Bronx in New York, in July of 1976, where it all began. It was a neighborhood full of African colors, funk music, soul and disco. One of those hot nights met several disc jockeys who, accompanied by masters of ceremony, put more heat and color than usual and began to create mythical sessions that later became what we now call "old rap school".

3 S I N G E R S, S O N G S and C O M P O S E R s
SONGS SINGERS COMPOSERS Rap god Eminem Kanye West Bodak yellow Cardi B Dr. dre Humble Kendrick Lamar Nas Stan Migos Nicki Minaj Not afraid Jay Z Common Dear mama Drake Ice cube

4 I n f l u e n c e o f r a p o n s o c i e t y
Rap music has long had a reputation of being a form of music that represents violence, sexual exploitation as well as celebrating street warfare and gangs, consumption of drugs and alcohol, sex and negative attitudes towards women. conditions and inequality can be seen the most. Many times, when a rapper writes a song that speaks of violence, drug use or other criminal activity, it is because it is something that they have seen in their living environment

5 C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S If you listen to rap music, there is a music that consists of drum rhythms and electronic instrument music.  Rap letters, can often be classified as insult, or completely absurd. Africa and Caribbean countries have influence on rap music.

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