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Open up your laptops, go to, and do today’s bellwork

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Presentation on theme: "Open up your laptops, go to, and do today’s bellwork"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open up your laptops, go to, and do today’s bellwork
Scale Scale Description 4 Through independent work beyond what was taught in class, you could: investigate the location of seasonal constellations in the local sky. predict location of constellations at future times. determine the celestial equator, latitude and position of the Pole Star for a given position on the Earth. determine the distances of stars in a given constellation to each other and to Earth. 3 You will be able to: describe and apply the coordinate system used to locate objects in the sky. distinguish the various methods of measuring astronomical distances and apply each in appropriate situations. 2 determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other astronomy specific words and phrases as they are used in context to relevant topics label diagrams with degree measurements describe how or why different units of measurement are needed for distances in space 1 You will be able to list the different units of measurement needed to measure distances in space EVERYBODY!!!! Please open your science journals so I can see your Earth-Moon scale drawing and questions from yesterday. (Even if I already checked it)

2 Spirit Week Monday- Character Day Tuesday- Twin day
Wednesday- Blue and White day (boys in blue and girls in white) Thursday- CLASS Day(Freshmen- Tacky Tourist, Sophomore- Nerd day, Juniors- Retro, Seniors- Toga) Friday- Blue Zoo spirit day

3 Go take an altitude reading of the sun with your astrolabe.


5 Scale of the Solar System
We are going to create our own scale model of the solar system on the football field…on Monday


7 Monday we are meeting at the football field!
DO NOT COME HERE! GO THERE! You will be late if you come here first. Also, tell your absent friends that we are meeting there! There will be no bellwork Monday!

8 Please read I’m not kidding. Please read. Seriously. Read.

9 One per person Instructions are Here!! Answers written here!!
I need this one back You keep this one

10 You must finish what is inside the red box today!

11 The Instructions are also on your computer

12 Planet Data Page 5 of the appendix in your book (you used this yesterday)

13 Monday we are meeting at the football field!
DO NOT COME HERE! GO THERE! You will be late if you come here first. Also, tell your absent friends that we are meeting there! There will be no bellwork Monday!

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