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Welcome 2nd Grade Sharks!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 2nd Grade Sharks!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 2nd Grade Sharks!

2 SFE Arrival Students are released to go to classrooms at 7:55. Students are considered tardy after 8:05. If you need to drop your child prior to 7:55 our cafeteria doors will open at 7:30. Between 7:30-7:55 students will wait in the cafeteria in grade level lines with our staff members on duty. It is strongly encouraged to bring them as close to 7:55 as you can. The cafeteria gets real full

3 Teachers may request that your child attend morning tutoring
Teachers may request that your child attend morning tutoring. Your child’s teacher will contact you if they would like your child to come to morning tutoring. A staff member will be on duty at the Mills Branch/ Clover Valley intersection (Greentree) from 7:40-8:00. When it is raining this intersection will not be staffed. Cafeteria doors will close at 8:00. If you are dropping off after 8:00, please use the main doors. Official Attendance Time is 9:05.

4 SFE Dismissal If you are picking up your child in a car, please go through the car rider line. We understand that this could take a few extra minutes. However, with so many kids being picked up on neighboring streets we are concerned with the safety of our students. Please send a note to your child’s teacher if you are changing your child’s dismissal.

5 IMPORTANT! If your child is going to attend GIRLS SCOUTS after school, you must please send a note of this change in dismissal as well.

6 Rainy day dismissal decision will be made at 3:05 p. m
Rainy day dismissal decision will be made at 3:05 p.m. Please know we do our very best to make the right call on those days. We appreciate your patience as you are waiting in the car rider line. Please know that our priority is getting our students home safely.

7 Birthday Celebrations
Ice cream treats may be purchased for your child’s class from the cafeteria. Please order at least 2 weeks in advance. Form is online on our website or contact Mary Brooks for a hard copy. Although a parent or grandparent is not prohibited from providing food for a school-designated function or for children in the child’s or grandchild’s classroom for his or her birthday, please be aware that children in the school may have severe allergies to certain food products. Therefore, it is imperative to discuss this with the child’s teacher prior to bringing any food in this circumstance.

Library SAVE OUR BOOKS WITH…. BAGGIES!!! Two Gallon for bigger picture books Donate a box to our class!

9 Mobile App Now Available
Humble Independent School District Mobile App Now Available Key Features News Check out the latest district wide and school news all in one place! Calendar Events Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app. Home Access Center Access student grades and attendance.

10 Communication Email is most dependable
Front office for last minute emergency messages Classroom phone if ok for teacher to call after school or next day Notes from home… MUST HAVE NOTE FOR ANY CHANGE IN DISMISSAL – including Girl Scouts Check website frequently for updates/reminders

11 Snacks and Water Bottles
only ONE healthy snack per day nothing sticky or that requires a spoon… gets on assignments make sure they have a big breakfast and to send a snack… we don’t have lunch until 11:45am name on water bottles (especially disposable ones)

12 Weekly Folders and Backpacks
RED take home folder (clean out weekly) ORANGE homework folder (keep at home until Friday) CHECK BACKPACK DAILY Homework – parents need to monitor for neat, complete and prompt, pencil only

13 Students earn points, points can be deducted, but focus on the positive They earn points to use in the class store. Parents can log in daily or at any time during the day to see child’s progress. You can also send and receive a private message through dojo. Students will be given a password so they can go personalize their own dojo

14 Support the SFE Annual Fund!
Help us purchase more technology for our students! Check out SFE’s Annual Fund Campaign on our website! Donate online or send donations into the front office Thank you for supporting SFE!

15 Thank you so much for coming!!!
Contact me by phone or if you have any other questions or concerns.

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